Friday, June 7, 2024

President Joe Biden is not a "friend of Israel"

Morning Glory: Biden betrays Israel

Whatever the president was, he is not that now

He was, but he is not now. Biden began his turn against Israel when he told Erin Burnett that he was embargoing the sale of offensive weapons to Israel.

Biden completed that turn with his speech last Friday and in his Time Magazine interview published this week.

First, when he was asked an incredibly stupid question by Time’s reporter —"More broadly, from the intelligence in the evidence you've seen, either currently or in the last months, have Israeli forces committed war crimes in Gaza?"— Biden responded "The answer is it's uncertain and has been investigated by the Israelis themselves."

The answer is manifestly not "uncertain." Israel has fought the most restrained war in history, with far more care for civilians in the enemy’s territory than any other nation in history.

Now Biden has turned on Israel because either he’s "slipping" as the Wall Street Journal gently put it Wednesday or because he views Israel’s war as an existential threat—to his re-election.


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