Sunday, June 23, 2024

Mellon Bank Heir gives gigantic contribution to Trump

Reclusive Billionaire Makes Massive Political Contribution Following Trump’s Conviction

One of the largest single disclosed gifts ever

"A reclusive billionaire from a storied American family with a legacy dating back to the Gilded Age has made one of the largest political contributions in the history of American politics.

Timothy Mellon, heir to the Mellon banking fortune, made a $50 million contribution to the pro-Trump super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc. He has also donated to Robert F. Kennedy's campaign.

But Mr. Mellon's $50 million gift will significantly help pro-Trump forces narrow the financial advantage that President Biden and his allies have enjoyed so far.

Miriam Adelson, the casino billionaire and widow of Sheldon G. Adelson, who died in 2021, has also made plans to fund a pro-Trump super PAC with at least as much money as the $90 million that her family gave in the 2020 campaign, although much of the cash has yet to arrive."


1 comment:

  1. Who would support biden and his evil bidding, only other evil people.
