Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Justice Alito says, "Buzz off!"

An emblem that dates back to the Revolutionary War to symbolize the fight against tyranny and "recognizing America's reliance on the protection and Providence of God

Democrats declared a scorched earth war on Samuel Alito that ended in this unthinkable outcome

New York Times risks inciting violence against Alito with dangerous misinformation campaign

The Left cranked the smear machine up to 11 in targeting Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito.

Liberals only goal was total destruction of Alito.

And Democrats declared a scorched earth war on Samuel Alito that ended in this unthinkable outcome.

The pro-Democrat Party activists at the New York Times invented a fake scandal about Samuel Alito based on two flags flying at this house.

Alito’s wife flew an American flag upside down at their home shortly before Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Mrs. Alito flew the flag – which is often flown that way as a protest and signal of distress – following a dispute with two unhinged liberal neighbors who displayed profane signs about Donald Trump and Justice Alito.

One of the neighbors also called Mrs. Alito the “c” word.

The other flag liberals objected to was The “Appeal to Heaven” flag commissioned by George Washington during the American Revolution. It has flown in front of the San Francisco City Hall for 60 years.

Read more about it...

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