Saturday, June 29, 2024

Good Neighbor Rule wasn't so neighborly

Supreme Court strikes down EPA's "good neighbor" rule on emissions

The Biden administration suffered a legal setback this week when the Supreme Court struck down a major Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule.

According to Fox News, the case concerns something called the "good neighbor rule," under which the EPA restricts smokestack emissions from power plants and other industrial sources that float into neighboring states. "The government sought to impose a single, uniform federal plan."

"The Clean Air Act envisions States and the federal government working together to improve air quality. Under that law's terms, States bear primary responsibility for developing plans to achieve air-quality goals," Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote in the majority opinion released on Thursday.

"Should a State fail to prepare a legally compliant plan, however, the federal government may sometimes step in and assume that authority for itself," he continued.

The lawmakers further insisted that the good neighbor rule and other Biden administration policies "are designed to hurriedly rid the U.S. power sector of fossil fuels by sharply increasing the operating costs for fossil fuel-fired power plant operators, forcing the plants’ premature retirement."

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