Sunday, June 16, 2024

E-mails from Fake Accounts from Fake President

The National Archives Have Identified Many Emails Joe Biden Sent From His Fake Accounts

"The National Archives have announced that they have found a massive amount of emails Joe Biden sent from his email aliases.

I trust NARA as far as I can throw the Empire State Building (Which Trump used to control and the home of Madison Square Gardens). I would be willing to bet they will withhold extremely damaging emails from investigators since they have already covered Biden’s hind end more times than his Depends.

NARA possesses 731 electronic files of “potentially responsive records” in relation to Biden’s aliases accounts. Those accounts include “Robert L. Peters,” “Robin Ware” and “JRB Ware.” and possibly others. The letter was sent to the Heritage Foundation as a partial response to their FOIA request."

Click here and read the letter.

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