Friday, June 28, 2024

DeSantis involving himself in Florida 2024 Election

Ron DeSantis dropped one big hint about going to war with George Soros

"Ron DeSantis has fought some of the biggest forces on the Left. Now he could be ready for another epic battle.

And Ron DeSantis dropped one big hint about going to war with George Soros who has gived untold amounts of money to corrupt DA's soft on crime. He is getting involved with the 2024 Election in Florida.

The 2024 Election is not shaping up to be much of a contest at the top of the ticket in Florida. Polling shows that former President Donald Trump should win comfortably against President Joe Biden this November.

The biggest political contests in Florida this year will be ballot measures pushed by Democrats.
  • Voters in the state will decide if they want to enshrine abortion on demand until the moment of birth into the Florida Constitution
  • Another measure legalizing recreational marijuana in the state is on the ballot for voters to decide


  1. Can't we revoke Soros' citizenship? Evil POS

  2. soros is a slave for Satan pure evil! So glad the truth is being revealed about this narco drug dealer!
