Friday, June 28, 2024

Deborah Adeimy for Congress

✅Vetted by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

✅ Vetted by Financial Industry Regulatory Authority firms

✅ Endorsed by Palm Beach County Police Benevolent Association

✅ Endorsed by Veterans for America First

✅ Endorsed by Fraternal Order of Police, PB County and Florida

For over 25 years Deborah has been a trusted Fiduciary and Advisor to families and businesses, and employed by America's premier FINRA Investment Firms.

Deborah brings her expert finance and economic experience to work for YOU in Congress.

Please help FIRE Lois Frankel and HIRE Deborah Adeimy - A Unique Candidate.

Primary is August 20. Mail-In ballots are mailed out to those who signed up on July 12. This will be my first time ever to use a mail-in ballot.


  1. Voting for Gutmann!

  2. @3:15---Gutmann refused to vote for Trump in 2016 and in 2020. He called Trump, "simple-minded and unqualified.
    His family has donated thousands of dollars to China-friendly liberals like Obama, Hillary Clinton and Lois Frankel.
    It's why we have the representation that we have in Congress because some voters just don't know the truth.

  3. What has Adeimy accomplished?

  4. I recall,and as far as politics, liberals asked the same thing about Trump when he first ran.
    What has any of these candidates accomplished --as far as what?
    Deb has been in business for 25 years and well experienced in finance and economics.
    Vote for whomever but we want a candidate to beat Lois Frankel...which is near to impossible.

  5. Just praying Lois gets fired! Nasty baby killer supporter!

  6. No way not another female in congress, voting for Dan!
    Does Deb have a husband and children , I also don’t like the name “Deb” sounds so unfeminine and dull.

  7. What would make you think that this Greenhorn could beat Lois?

  8. @9:55--She may be inexperienced as far as being in elective office but then take Joe Biden who has had 50 years experience. What the H has he done for the country but totally collapse it in every respect?
    Trump had no experience either but our country prospered under him.

  9. The best leaders are the ones who don't want to be leaders, elected, government, and powers that be are greedy and self serving! Not real leaders!

  10. Yeah, I guess it was just a myth, that Lois turned West Palm Beach into a Destination.

    Show me anything that your candidate did that can compare to the achievements of Lois Frankel.

    You want to persecute Lois because she wants to find solutions for the poor. That doesn't make sense. They'll be sitting on your doorstep if something isn't done.

  11. I will never forget Frankel back around 2009--
    Lois wanted her new city center, an ode to herself, and bulldozed it through in spite of the objections of those citizens who signed the petition and their right to vote challenged by Lois all the way up to the Supreme Court of Florida, where the people won, again. All they wanted was the right to vote on spending $154 million dollars. She said that the citizens had no say in her spending this money which was THEIR money. She had a big fear that she would lose at the polls and she would not get her way. It was all about Lois.

    The case was settled by the PAC but it was after Lois had already built the Center, after her total contempt for the voters who put her into power to do the will of the people. The PAC in no way stalled Lois' progress on this being built. And that's all it was for Lois Frankel. She had a dream; she built it and now all residents there are paying for it, never having a vote on the tremendous expenditure. The citizens of West Palm Beach are now indebted for a very long time in the worst economy in 50 years or more. Lois Frankel said screw you, it will be built. It wasn't her money and never should have been her decision.

    This is one reason why I can't stand Lois and can't stand Democrats in general. I changed parties the year before she screwed the people!

    1. Lois so typical of all so called leaders, does what she wants not what the constituents want.

  12. You seem to have nothing to say about the obscene high-rise condos that have virtually destroyed the beautiful Flagler Drive.

    Can't blame that on Lois.

  13. @2:02...Lois did her dirty deeds when she was mayor.

  14. Incidentally, I heard from Andrew Gutmann who denied he was not for Trump in 2016 and 2020. That was just from another Dan Franzese negative mailer.

  15. That's interesting and I'm glad to hear it.

    Wouldn't vote for Franzese for any office.

  16. Franzese paid almost a million dollars for that condo across the bridge, when a million was real money.

    What does he need to run for office for? Does he want to help the little people in Lake Worth? Try to picture that.
