Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Biden's Student Loan Bailout - A $billion here; $ 5 billion there

New Poll Finds Many Americans Don’t Support Biden’s Student Loan Bailout

Well, who in their right mind would support this pandering giveaway?

$167 billion. That’s the total amount of student debt the Biden administration has cancelled.

"The United States is currently facing serious problems at nearly every level of domestic and international politics.

Indeed, the quality of life that most Americans have enjoyed has significantly declined over the last several years. Since the 2020 presidential election occurred in November of that years, the economic climate within the United States has markedly deteriorated.

Inflation has crushed American consumers everywhere, with millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet. Recent projections from the media outlet CNBC have alleged that 6 out of every 10 citizens may be living on a week to week basis and surviving from paycheck to paycheck.

Additionally, interest rates have soared, and mortgage payments have reached exorbitant heights. Things are not going well for many young citizens who are beginning their early adult lives and attempting to save to buy a house. Many young people are now forced to live at home for longer years, and even enterprising young individuals face significant challenges."

BUT, they need to learn to be responsible and pay their own debts but Joe Biden is their enabaler.

Read more about it...

1 comment:

  1. All his dirty deeds with cost him in November, people of Goodwill see through his devil worship slavery
