Thursday, June 20, 2024

Biden doesn't have much to run on

Biden Campaigns On Trump Being A Threat To Democracy, But Voters May Not Be Buying It

The Biden campaign has criticized former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy, but undecided swing-state voters trust him over the current president on the topic, according to a poll released Monday.

The Biden campaign aired an ad ahead of Trump’s June 13 visit to Capitol Hill that alleged he was “the instigator of an insurrection” and that he is “pledging to pardon the extremists who tried to overthrow our government, inciting them to try again,” The Hill reported.

Over half of respondents said that threats to democracy is a top issue, with 38% saying they trust Trump more on handling it compared to 29% who said the same for Biden, according to the Washington Post-Schar School poll featuring “decider” voters from six swing-states.

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1 comment:

  1. But as a slave for Satan he sure does have a lot of evil slave followers. Hate is their agenda
