Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Russia is NATO's Primary threat

Russia Expands and Modernizes Military, Threat to NATO Intensifies, U.S. General Warns

Despite considerable troop losses, Russia's military capabilities have expanded and modernized since initiating the 2022 invasion of Ukraine, alarming top US generals about the swift need for NATO's readiness.

As reported by Daily Mail, Lieutenant General Charles Costanza has warned that NATO must urgently address Russia's expansion in military prowess and ability to counteract Western tactics.

Russia carried out a renewed ground offensive in Ukraine's Kharkiv region recently, despite high casualties previously reported by the UK Ministry of Defense. This aggressive strategy underscores Russia’s growing confidence and adaptability on the battlefield, where it has faced and adapted to advanced Western military technologies.

The US Army V Corps, stationed in Poland and commanded by Lt. Gen. Charles Costanza, emphasizes Russia as NATO's primary threat.



  1. Putin despises the West. Used to think he was a intelligent man but no he’s just a bitter hater

  2. I don't see how Putin could despise the West any more than the West despises Putin.

    Putin runs a well-organized regulated Country. We're running a bad comedy show here. Anybody who doesn't know that, is in denial of just what we have become.

    We have DEI, ESG, all sorts of acronyms, but we don't have any brains.

    1. Ignorant statement Russian apologists are strange

  3. If the US Generals are sending warnings..... that just means the Bidens are not finished paying off the money promised for Burisma. The more money we send Ukraine, the sooner we will be done paying of the Biden debt. Quid Pro Joe!

  4. Agree with 4:18. At this point, Russia seems to be so much better than the US in so many different ways these days. I'm not sure why Putin isn't liked by more Americans. The blogs I read and the friends I have all like him and are doing everything they can to change the world's opinion of him, which is totally unfair. Only the dumb Dems still hate him, it seems.

  5. Putin is a thug. His biggest opponent was jailed and died in his custody. I guess Biden has learned a lot from Putin tactics as the White House is behind all the Trump indictments.
    His desire, along with China, is to be the number one super power and to annihilate western civilization.
    He is the leader of a communist nation so his political ambitions are totally different than our country, a Republic.
    Russia got their final constitution in 1993 and Russia’s constitution has created the ultimate strongman president, placing more constitutional power in the president than most countries in the world...a dictator.

  6. Lynn, That's just cold war propaganda. America is jealous of Russia, and always has been. That is why they have been trying to make everybody hate and fear Putin. If it was another president, we would hate and fear him as well.

    But the old tactics don't work anymore. Everybody knows we live in a dump now. You wonder if it's even safe to eat the food. People are so poor they don't have facilities to keep clean, and these are the poor people who are working in food processing and restaurants.

    We should learn from Russia, not despise them.

  7. @10:31...Another hater of America I see.
    Soviet-era repression has given way to a marriage between kleptocracy and organized crime. I read it has the biggest crime family in the world--Mafia cells have undertaken assassination attempts, facilitated coercion and acted as tools for the assorted and sundry dirty jobs the Russian elites require.
    Great little system...we should learn from thugs?

  8. Who Cares, Lynn. The American Experiment is over.
    We're just a legend in our own mind.

    If it wasn't for propaganda, and a gullible uninformed public, we'd have faced up to it when That bum Clinton was in the White House.

  9. @11:58...Please take your Russian propaganda somewhere else.
    Well, some refer to our country as the American Experiment. It has lasted since 1789 with our Constitution. I wouldn't call that an experiment any longer. Of course, there are Democrats who ignore it or want to pack the Supreme Court with political cronies.
    Russia's Constitution has only been in existence since 1993.

  10. Lynn's little blog has become a hangout for Putin apologists.

    I wonder why?

  11. Our Constitution is useless. It's just another thing to pick apart and fight over.

    In fact, the west is over. Asia is where the action is now.

    All we have here are pot smoking louts.

  12. @5:17...not sure if you are being serious here or just trying to jerk my chain.
    YOU are the one with issues. Maybe Iran is the place for you to go.

  13. Thinking more along the lines of Singapore!
