Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Justice Sonia Sotomayor

SCOTUS Justice Sotomayor’s Tearful Confession Raises Questions about Her Mental Fitness To Serve

After being on the Supreme Court for over a decade, Justice Sonia Sotomayor has revealed that being a liberal in a conservative court has been nothing short of heartbreaking for her.

She recently told an audience at Harvard University that there have been days where she has had to close her office door and cry after a case was announced. Sotomayor did not provide specific examples, but it is clear that she struggles with the fact that she is often on the losing side of cases due to her liberal beliefs.

Sotomayor’s emotional outbursts and inability to deal with her losses have not been limited to her recent speech at Harvard. In January, she made similar comments at an event at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law.

She admitted that she lives in a constant state of frustration and that every loss traumatizes her. This raises concerns about her ability to judge rationally and without bias.

As a member of the highest court in the nation, Sotomayor’s political views should not cloud her judgment. Justices are expected to be impartial and make decisions based on the law and the Constitution, not their personal beliefs. By her own admission, Sotomayor struggles to separate her emotions from her job, leading to the question of whether she is fit to serve as a Supreme Court Justice.

Read about the liberal justice

She was nominated by President Barack Obama on May 26, 2009, and has served since August 8, 2009. She is the third woman, first nonwhite woman, the first Hispanic and the first Latina to serve on the Supreme Court. She should be administrating the law, not her personal politics. She is only 69 years of age but we can get mentally deficient at any age.

And liberals have a full court press on to remove Clarence Thomas and even to pack the court with liberals. What a mess our country is in.

1 comment:

  1. She sounds like a lot of the other deranged Democrats that have Trump derangement syndrome they're so full of hate and they don't even understand their own hate, hate negativity and cancel culture just pure evil they're missing Jesus in their lives and that's why they behave this way. Please pray for her and all the Trump derangement syndrome folks that are such haters today, it's very sad to see every day I pray for all the Trump derangement syndrome people there are a lot of people that we all know who are such haters and so deranged and it's very sad to see today. Please pray!
