Saturday, May 25, 2024

Biden Pulls another Campaign Stunt

America Betrayed: Biden Depletes National Gas Reserve for CHEAP Votes

On May 24, the Biden White House has announced a controversial sale of gasoline from our national reserves.

There have been claims that this is a political move on Biden’s part as he heads into the 2024 election cycle, which is definitely true. After all, Biden’s track record on gas prices has been abysmal to say the least.

Reportedly, the administration is planning on selling off one million barrels of gasoline from the U.S.-managed stockpile in northeastern states, confirmed by Reuters. The Biden administration also announced that the Office of Petroleum Reserves will begin taking bids for the gasoline, with these bids having to be delivered no sooner than June 30.

Apparently, the sale was mandated by law, as the current administration claims. The sale is going ahead because refined gasoline has a shorter storage life compared to unrefined oil. Shockingly, the administration is attempting to ‘spin’ this news, claiming that this reserve can actually be beneficial in lowering gasoline prices, with summer just around the corner. Biden, however, is obviously cutting it short, leaving a bitter aftertaste in the months prior to the election.

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  1. where does this money go into a vette

  2. I'm so sick of this Elon Musk. He invented this car that nobody wants, and now with the ownership of X, just sits around and gives his opinion on anything and everything.

    I think he should go to the Gym and work out. Lose some of that flabby baby fat he carries around with him. Just a fat opinionated S. African Dutchman.

  3. Love Elon Musk...still the wealthiest man on the planet?
    "For me it was never about money, but solving problems for the future of humanity."

  4. If you're so fond of him and his problem solving for the future of humanity, I would think you would be driving that car that nobody wants.

    What else has he done for the planet. We don't have much more time for his problem solving to save us. He's not going to live forever, and running his mouth all day with his musings about the future isn't helping the planet.

    The best thing he could do for the planet is lose some weight.

  5. You people are critical about must get off on that.
    You should be as smart as he.

  6. Elon Musk is an inventor an investor and he co-founded the electronic-payment firm PayPal and formed SpaceX.I don't like electric cars that Biden is pushing on everyone. So, why would I buy one?
    You should read about Elon and understand his genius.

    1. Einstein and Tesla were the real geniuses, not elon, he just rides on their shoulders. Don't put elon on a pedestal, just Jesus!

    2. In 100 years musk will be highly thought of

    3. elon is a business man, not a scientist or genius!

  7. You're one of those woke greenies? I bet you want that woke solar and wind power, too. Coal, gas and oil until I die.

  8. I wouldn't read about him. I find him repugnant.

  9. Elon is the co-founder and CEO of Tesla

    1. Tesla was a person, a real scientist, Elon copied his name for his car company, Tesla was the real genius, not elon.

    2. Nikola Tesla pioneered the generation, transmission, and use of alternating current (AC) electricity, which can be transmitted over much greater distances than direct current. Tesla patented a device to induce electrical current in a piece of iron (a rotor) spinning between two electrified coils of wire. elon just stole his name for his car company. Tesla is the real genius

  10. Yes, @7:32...Elon bought the rights to the name Tesla for $75,000. Tesla did not invent the electric car

  11. Elon did NOT steal the name...he bought it.
