Saturday, March 9, 2024

Biden's Illegal Alien Crime Wave

Illegal Alien Crime is Costing Biden the Election, Therefore You Are a Racist

Joe Biden’s illegal alien crime wave is finally starting to garner some national attention, so Democrats are now being forced to change their tactics.

Instead of denying the fact that illegal aliens are raping and murdering Americans, Democrats will now call you a racist if you notice all the raping and murdering. That’ll teach us!

Except that it won’t. The death of a 22-year-old nursing student in Athens, GA, at the hands of one of Joe Biden’s invaders has become a flashpoint in the 2024 election, and a sign of just how much trouble Biden’s reelection campaign is in.



  1. So much trouble. Oh my. He's in bad shape. He's never going to Trump.



  2. @10:30---you think that's funny, huh?
    He is the absolute worst and hopefully he gets kicked out in November.

  3. An illegal alien invasion of our country is not a laughing matter. It is a tragedy on so many levels. The Biden administration has willfully ignored the law to facilitate the invasion of our country.

  4. "He is the absolute worst and hopefully he gets kicked out in November."

    He won't. And you'll cry and sob and whimper for another 4 years.

  5. @12:13...if that happens, we won't have a country left within a very short time.

  6. Shouldn’t we be concerned about home/car insurance, health care costs, senior services, education and rising property taxes amongst other issues nobody campaigns about?

    Crime is a scare tactic gets everyone’s attention be vigilant lock your doors, security cameras and carry a weapon if your neighbors are druggies. 99% of assaults and aggravated robbery are drug and alcohol related nobody in college park is getting shot, bike theft and orchids molested is about it.
