Friday, February 2, 2024

CEO of Babylon Bee speaks out about censorship

One of the most important free speech cases of our time

It's going before the Supreme Court, and you probably haven’t heard about it.

Right now, both Texas and Florida are battling to uphold their common-sense bills that prohibit viewpoint discrimination on social media.

These bills were passed for a reason — conservative voices are being suppressed. Disfavored opinions (and even jokes) that are out of step with the progressive narrative have resulted in countless violations and suspensions. And that’s not an exaggeration; we’ve experienced many cases of discriminatory censorship firsthand. In fact, we were locked out of Twitter for 8 months just because we told a joke that referred to a male person (“Admiral” Rachel Levine) as a man.

It’s gotten completely out of hand.

Thankfully, Texas and Florida decided to do something about it. They drafted and passed legislation that would make it unlawful for big social media companies to engage in viewpoint discrimination. But, as expected, the social media companies challenged these laws, leading to an upcoming showdown at the Supreme Court. What the highest Court decides here will have far-reaching implications not just for us, but for everyone who uses social media to share their views and defend their values.

This is nothing new for us. We’ve long been committed to defending free speech in the public square. Here are some of the free speech battles we’ve taken on over the years:
  • We filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of a humorist who was actually jailed because of a parody Facebook page.
  • We sued the Attorney General's Office in the state of California to block the enforcement of a law requiring social media companies to regularly report "misinformation, disinformation, extremism, radicalization, and hate speech."
  • We sued the New York Attorney General too, for the same censorship debauchery.
  • We refused to delete a tweet that resulted in the suspension of our Twitter account with over 1 million followers
  • We told Mark Zuckerberg he sucks

Seth Dillon
CEO | The Babylon Bee
Pronouns: Bee and Beeself

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