Trump Sends 1 Bold Message to Hunter Biden
Then he Asks His Fans to “Do Him a Favor”
Most people agree—Donald Trump is a master at trolling his political opponents. He was in fine form this week as he took shots at the son of his political nemesis, then in almost the same breath promoted his presidential campaign.Now, Washington, D.C. is a big place and sometimes people get a little confused about where they are when they visit. But when high-profile people like Hunter Biden get called before Congress, they should have D.C. expert pointing them in the right direction.
Hunter Biden was served a subpoena to appear before the U.S. House to testify about his (and possibly his father’s) business dealings, but apparently took a wrong turn on the way. And Trump couldn’t resist the chance to slam a Biden.
“Did you see Hunter today? He went to the wrong place,” Trump said. “He went to the Senate instead of the House. Everyone’s saying, ‘Where’s Hunter?’”
No defying it, Trump's humor is tops!
“We’re way, way, way up, but you have to do me a favor: Just go out and vote,” Trump said at his rally in Coralville, Iowa. “We have to put big numbers, really big numbers.”Read more...
Yes, voting for President Trump! Praying all bidens go to jail! They are crooked and corrupt!
ReplyDeleteHe and his father Beijing JoJo biden they both keep showing that they're guilty because they never cooperate and their constantly ditching any requests for showing any transparency so it's so obvious that they're guilty all the corruption greed self-serving selfish things that they've done, just evil monsters such slaves for Satan yet these crazy liberal left Democrats slaves always are covering for them, even this complicit media and legacy Media they all cover for these evil slimy sleaze bag swamp creatures, it just doesn't make sense but anyway we all know they're guilty because all the evidence is already been shown we've seen a lot of it already and they always keep saying there's no evidence there's such delusional losers that have no IQs whatsoever and they've already made themselves look so guilty because they're always trying to lie their way through anything it's such a sin it's so sad pray for our country and our world pray for those that there's Justice and these bidens get put in jail.