What Is China Doing on the Moon? Researchers Make Scary Discovery
"Everyone knows about the craters on the moon, right? The ones that look like a celestial game of golf gone horribly wrong? Well, a couple of them have been causing quite the ruckus amongst the scientific community. It seems these two particular craters weren’t caused by rogue space rocks, but rather something much more intriguing.A team from the University of Arizona has been playing detective, and they’ve come up with a theory. They believe that one of the craters was formed by a Chinese rocket booster, which was carrying an unknown payload. Yep, an unknown payload. Now, if that doesn’t get your conspiracy-theorist juices flowing, I don’t know what will.
But wait, there’s more! This rocket booster supposedly broke off from a Chinese rocket launched back in 2014. But here’s where things get really interesting. The American research team also found that a second object of roughly the same weight as the booster landed on the moon, creating the other crater."
And thanks to President Trump, he got the Space Force enacted. In 2019, the House and Senate resolved their differences to pass the United States Space Force Act, and this was signed into law by President Donald Trump, establishing the U.S. Space Force as the first new independent military service since the Army Air Forces were reorganized as the U.S. Air Force in 1947.
In September, the Space Force announced a new mission statement: “Secure our Nation’s interests in, from, and to space.”
“Secure” refers to the Space Force’s formative purpose to contest, and when directed, control the space domain on behalf of the nation and joint force.
“Our Nation’s interests” represents Guardians’ focus on protecting the security and prosperity the U.S. derives from space. It also serves as a reminder that space activities are essential to the American way of life.
“In, from, and to space” references the three core functions of the Space Force, which include securing the Nation’s interests."
So what is China doing on the Moon?
Probably nothing because probably no one really actually went to the Moon I really questioned the legitimacy of all of that. Our country lies about so much stuff and our government and are elected from around the world they're all liars it's so hard to trust anything these days so corrupt so dishonest half of history is not even true because of all the lies from our government and powers that be.