Monday, December 4, 2023

"We're going to give you great healthcare"

Trump Vows 'We're Going to Give You Great Healthcare'

Preempting potential GOP primary attacks from the right on not repealing and replacing Obamacare, former President Donald Trump once again vowed to reform the U.S. healthcare system.

"We're also going to fight to give much better healthcare than what you have right now," Trump told his Cedar Rapids, Iowa, rally, which aired live and in its entirety on Newsmax. "This is a newer subject. But Obamacare is a disaster."

"And I said we're going to do something about it. I saved Obamacare when we got John McCain's negative vote. You know, he voted against it after campaigning for many, many years. He said: 'Ah, thumbs down.'

"It was an amazing night, but we're going to fix it because it's a catastrophe for family budgets."


In 2017, all 48 Democrats voted no on repealing Obamacare. In joining fellow Republicans Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, who had previously expressed concern with the GOP’s repeal strategy, McCain was seen as casting the deciding vote.


  1. He's going to cure cancer, too!

  2. @6:21...I believe that was Biden who promised he would have a cure for cancer during his first term.

  3. There's already a cure for all of these illnesses and sicknesses and diseases all of these cures exist remember it was I think the Rockefellers or somebody that took all of this information about all these cures and are hiding it from the public so that big pharma can make tons of money unsustaining people on drugs for the rest of their lives if you do the research there's really cures for cancer already there's cures for AIDS there's cures for every disease in illness and sickness God is a great God and he's created so many herbs and fruits and vegetables that can cure anything. We need to put our trust in the Lord and know that all these cures already exist! Trust in God he is a faithful God!

  4. The problem with healthcare nowadays it's all become a big racket whether it's dental or health or anything the insurance companies and big pharma they have a big racket going on they really need to cut out all these Middle Men get rid of all this big pharma and go back to the basics again insurance is way too expensive doctor's visits are way too expensive drugs are way too expensive there's no reason for it all they need to return back to some sanity go back to the way things were in the 60s and 70s and promote healthy eating the FDA the CDC they're all in bed with big pharma to make everybody sick and to be on drugs all the time that's what they want they don't want yours they want everybody on drugs and maintaining them with drugs it's just a huge racket and it can be a lot cheaper and it should be a lot cheaper but our government unfortunately also is in bed a lot of times with big insurance companies and big pharma and they're allowing all of this racket to happen whatever happened about our elected representing people the citizens not taking all this money and these lobbyists taking all this money from Big pharma and big health insurance companies? It's just all a huge racket there's a lot of greed and corruption with it all as you all know! A lot of slaves in these industries too.

  5. Didn’t see this as a must do for Trump he’s more concerned about drag queens and helping Russia defeat Ukraine.

  6. @10:59...Actually, you are wrong again...liberals always are! The only people impressed with drag queens and CTR are Democrats indoctrinating our children.
    Let's concentrate on Making America Great Again...fix the border before money goes to corrupt Ukraine. Back Israel. Reduce our unsustainable debt. Stop insisting that we be a third world power.
    It is Democrats in Congress who are stifling the progress with their America Last Agenda. No one is for Putin...OK? Got it?? Putin is our enemy and so is China...the country that Biden is entrenched with that has made him a millionaire with shoddy back room deals. Stop giving billions to Iran, another enemy and a country of terror.

  7. The liberal left is deranged!
