Sunday, December 3, 2023

"The most prudent course for America is to vote for Trump.

Voting for Trump is bigger than Trump vs. Biden

So says, Tucker Carlson

"You’re not required to like it. For better or worse, Trump is the only candidate who can break the administrative state and give back the country Americans want.

"I became an active Trump supporter when they raided Mar-a-Lago. That can’t stand,” Carlson told Roseanne Barr. “I agree with Trump on a lot, but even if I disagreed with Trump on a lot, I’d still be a Trump supporter … because you cannot allow the president of the United States to use the Justice Department to knock the front-runner out of the race.”

For Carlson, the issue is “bigger than Trump, it’s bigger than Biden.”

“It’s a question of 'Do you want to live in a free country with a functioning justice system?"

Tucker Carlson remarks


  1. Absolutely amen! We need to resist Satan and all his evil doings and we can see what the Dems and what this loser illegitimate regime Beijing biden has done to this country bought and sold sold his soul to the devil and our country out for millions of dollars from China anyone can see what's happened. But the Dems and the evil slaves they don't want you to accept that as truth although they all know that he did sell his soul to the devil and to China! Please vote for President Trump again for President of the United States and MAGA!

  2. I miss Tucker, because he had an entertaining show. However, it is well known that he thought Trump was a buffoon.

    Secondly, anyone who would discuss anything with Rosanne Barr, must be a buffoon themselves, as Rosanne Barr is a lunatic, incapable of running her own life, let alone commenting on public affairs.

    As things are going, we won't have to worry about these things for long, since we will have to worry about how to survive in a country run by buffoons.

  3. one time he was not a Trump fan...things have changed now...probably after seeing the disaster Biden has made of our country.

  4. Maybe, he just looked at his retirement account.

  5. Not a fan of all three, but they are all more sane than the slave biden who has sold his soul and our country out, pure evil, so yes logic and reasoning of President Trump, Roseanne, and Tucker have to be sided with .

  6. It's not foreordained that we all have to vote for Trump. There are several qualified republicans, any of whom would be an improvement over same.

    I voted for him twice, and I'll be damned if I'll vote for him a third time.

  7. Trump is the only proven candidate who can, once again, set our country on the right course. THE ONLY ONE. And no one gives a damn who you vote for but you had better wake up. Hope he can survive all the phony fake indictments and trials.

  8. Amen Lynn I am with you! President Trump all the way for a third term I still believe he was cheated and really won the first two elections. The math really shows it and the cheating.

  9. Trump lost the House, the Senate and the Oval Office after his first 4 years.

    Yeah, but this time will be different. Keep telling yourself that, Lynn.

    Democrats looooooove MAGAs like you. Vote for Trump. Definitely.

  10. Trump won 2020...everyone knows it but cheating Democrats will never admit. The fake news media has really done a number on conservatives. They are heavily complicit in a big way.

  11. Whatever.

    Just please vote for Trump. Promise me.

  12. It's not possible to know that. You can think it all you want, but you can't know it.

    It's just a modern-day version of Henny Penny, and Chicken Little.

  13. @5:28...cute...When the sky really is falling and sanity has flown the coop, who will rise to save the day? TRUMP.
