Newsom knows the pro-Hamas element inside the Democratic Party is a liability ahead of the election
So he’s pretending to denounce them
Earlier this week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom — who is clearly running for president without technically running— issued a rebuke to the pro-Hamas wing of his own Democratic Party (a surprisingly large cohort, that), declaring in a tweet that Hamas is a terrorist organization and must be called what it is: evil.The tweet was in response to a video of what happened when the Oakland City Council recently voted on a resolution calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. During the debate, a city council member tried to insert language condemning Hamas — and all hell broke loose.
Turns out there were a lot of frankly antisemitic terrorist sympathizers in the crowd that day, just as there are a lot of them in the Democratic Party at large, it seems.
In a contest like this, the perennial lesson for the right is that you can’t argue or reason with the likes of Newsom. As the eccentric and bizarre president-elect of Argentina, Javier Milei, famously said, “You can’t give sh-t leftards an inch.” You have to stop them, or they will destroy your country.
Evil slave for you know who!