Friday, November 3, 2023

They are saying: No more Israel or Jews. Sounds kind of like Hitler

It’s Not Antisemitism – Or Anti-Zionism – It’s Fascist Extremism

ANALYSIS – We hear this White House and the entire Democrat machine throw the ‘extremist' term at anyone with an ‘R' after their name or anyone who supports Donald Trump. ‘MAGA extremists' has become one word for Joe Biden, and he can't stop using it.

To Democrats, there are also run-of-the-mill right-wing extremists, not to be confused with white supremacist extremists, pro-life extremists and anti-government domestic terrorists, who, according to Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS), are all usually some form of right-wing extremism. (RELATED: Moms For Liberty Labeled ‘Anti-Government' Extremist Group – For The First Time)

What you don't often hear much, despite the violent and destructive Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots, is anything about left-wing extremism or despite brutal ISIS terrorism, and now the Hamas equivalent is Muslim extremism.

Or now – both of them joined together. BLM chapters have openly sided with the Hamas terrorists.

Read about it...


  1. IrĂ¡n and the middle east countries never liked them changing Palestine to Israel and creating that state/country.

  2. The Dems and liberals are just like the Nazis today, huge haters and so deranged so much upside down illogical mentalities/thinking. They wanted to put unvaccinated in concentration camps for goodness sakes Their hate will destroy them, it is already eating them from the inside out. It is impossible to converse with them, they are so full of hate and derangement.
