Sunday, November 12, 2023

Pelosi Exposé

Nancy Pelosi’s Multi Million $$$ Role w/ Communist Chinese Corporation Exposed

Hunter Biden Paul Pelosi Jr is making a lot of money in China, where he is the second largest investor in Borqs Technologies, where he is a consultant. In return, he received 700,000 shares in the company.

What makes this suspicious to me is that he is only a consultant. He was with five companies that have or are under investigation. Secondly, he received what amounts to a huge share of Borqs the day he started with not one dime out of his pocket.

He must be one heck of a consultant, or his mother must be a very powerful woman, worth buying to the communist Chinese regime.

Read more in the Daily Mail

The more I read about stuff like this, the more I agree term limits are necessary.

1 comment:

  1. All corrupt put them in jail, Nancy is worse than Martha Stewart!
