Thursday, November 16, 2023

Another highly questionable decision by Joe

Biden gifts China big win with deal that experts are calling an ‘incredibly poor decision’

President Joe Biden is coming under fire for a deal he is set to make with Chinese President Xi Jinping that could negatively affect the U.S. military.

The two leaders will reportedly be making an agreement that will limit the use of artificial intelligence in nuclear weapons according to a report in the South China Morning Post which noted Biden and Xi “are poised to pledge a ban on the use of artificial intelligence in autonomous weaponry, such as drones, and in the control and deployment of nuclear warheads.”

“This is an incredibly poor decision,” Christopher Alexander, the chief analytics officer of Pioneer Development Group, told Fox News Digital.

“To begin with, China lags behind the U.S. in AI capabilities; so the Biden administration just ceded a strategic advantage. Additionally, AI helps reduce stress to improve decision-making, which is crucial in preventing a poor decision to release nuclear weapons,” he explained.

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  1. All the millions biden got from China you know how compromised he is, yet no one wants you to say he is a slave for Satan, talking about the devil and Satan sure does bother some on this blog, I wonder why? Feel guilty themselves?

  2. I think it is because of their hate, hate never wins, stay away from hate, the devil, and anti-Christ haters, their negativity and control are destructive. Slaves for Satan are all hate and deception
