Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Left Biased Washington Post writer blames Republicans on Israel Terrorist attack

Liberal blames terrorist attack in Israel on Republicans

Liberals are a sick joke

Washington Post blogger Jennifer Rubin faced intense backlash on Saturday after she suggested in a tweet that the Republican party was somehow responsible for creating the conditions that led to Hamas’ unprovoked attack on Israel.

Rubin appeared to be criticizing Republicans who had suggested that President Joe Biden's foreign policy failures, particularly the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 and the recent deal freeing up $6 billion in Iranian oil money, had ultimately led to the attack on Israel, a close ally of the United States.

In her tweet, Jennifer Rubin wrote, “How about this: With US House in chaos and US military promotions on hold, Hamas struck. Republicans’ weakness invites terror.” The tweet was met with swift and harsh criticism from both Republicans and Democrats.

Dan McLaughlin responded, “You seriously think this operation was planned in a week and that the principal variables in the decision were Hamas’s fear of Kevin McCarthy & some US generals not getting promoted?” Others chimed in, calling her comment “idiotic” and accusing her of being “off her meds.”

Read about it...


  1. So what's new? Democrats always blame Trump or Republicans for their failures.

  2. And Republicans have been blaming President Biden and Democrats...it's the way politics works these days. Nothing new.

  3. So predictable and lame. Both sides do this after any event, childish

  4. @10:24...both sides do NOT do it. Only Democrats twist everything to blame Republicans with NO facts. Democrats lie, you know that.

  5. so tired of the damn dems using this new war for political reasons.wouldnt put past the dems to pull something like this.they are full of commies who want to distroy AMERICA

  6. Every Republican out there is blaming Democrats. Every one.

    How can you not know this, Lynn?

  7. @3:37...I get so many dumb ass questions and comments from liberals.
