Criminal Terrorists Convicted in New Mexico

Five Convicted Of Supporting Terrorism, Establishing Fortified Compound With Ammunition To “Face The Nation”

Federal jurors in New Mexico Tuesday convicted five of diverse charges including terror and kidnapping charges and conspiracy to kill federal employees.

Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, his sisters Hujrah and Subhanah, and Subhanah’s husband, Lucas Morton, were convicted of supporting and conspiring to support terrorists, as well as conspiracy to murder a U.S. officer or employee, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said Friday in a press release.

The latter three were also convicted of fatal kidnapping and conspiring to commit the same. Jany Leveille, the fifth defendant, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to support terrorists and possessing a firearm while living illegally in the U.S.

This is the terrorist trash we are getting in our country. Are any Democrats concerned about this?

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Boeing losing a fortune on a pair of Air Force One Aircrafts

Boeing has lost roughly $2 billion in Air Force One deal

In 2018, Boeing signed a contract with the federal government to build a pair of aircraft that would serve as Air Force One.

Yet as Business Insider reported on Friday, that deal has turned into a financial disaster for the aerospace giant. Company has lost roughly $2 billion since taking on Air Force One project.

Boeing's third-quarter earnings report was released last week, and it showed that the company lost $482 million on construction of the two 747-200B jumbo jets.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order! 8:52 AM · Dec 6, 2016
No one expected Bidenomics! The company attributed the losses to higher-than-estimated manufacturing costs, engineering changes, labor instability, and negotiations with suppliers. And they had a fixed contract under Trump. The company has pushed the delivery date of the two jets back by another two years to 2026.

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"Release the Kracken"

Trump will be laughing at the Democrat-controlled media after this lie they pushed against him comes back to bite them

Trump will be laughing at the Democrat-controlled media after this lie they pushed against him comes back to bite them. The Democrats and their media allies are frothing at the mouth to take down Donald Trump.

But all of their attempts thus far have fallen flat.

And now Trump will be laughing at the Democrat-controlled media after this lie they pushed against him comes back to bite them.

The news that Sidney “Release the Kraken” Powell would testify against Donald Trump in the Georgia election interference case caused revelry throughout the Democratic Party and the corporate-controlled press. Democrats are hoping that Powell will provide the smoking gun that proved Trump tried to steal the 2020 election.

But the Democrat-controlled media are attempting to memory-hole the fact that Trump and his inner circle, including Rudy Giuliani, did not believe Powell’s crackpot theories about 2020.

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Judge Rules in New Hampshire--Trump stays on the Ballot

Trump Wins Court Battle as Judge Tosses New Hampshire Lawsuit to Remove Him from Ballot

A judge has dismissed a lawsuit that sought to prevent former President Donald Trump from appearing on the New Hampshire primary ballot.

The case was based on unsubstantiated claims of “insurrection”, but the court’s ruling affirms the ex-president’s eligibility for the 2020 election cycle.

This decision is critical to preserving the democratic process and allowing candidates to compete in elections without interference.

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So, from this ruling, not only do all the other blue states can't keep Trump off the ballot can't, as well as the January 6th protest has been ruled "not an insurrection."

Israel fighting for Humanity and to end Barbarism

Netanyahu: Israel fighting second War of Independence

IDF launches ground invasion to crush Hamas in Gaza

The IDF entered the Gaza Strip and is operating on the ground with support from troops in the air and at sea, Israel's political and military leadership said Saturday night.

"...additional ground forces entered Gaza, marking the beginning of the second stage of the war, whose goal is to destroy the military and political capabilities of Hamas and to bring our kidnapped citizens back," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an evening briefing.

"Our partners understand that if Israel doesn't win, they will be next," he said. "Many around the world understand well that Israel is not only fighting its war but a war for all of humanity, a war of humanity against barbarism."


Unwavering Courage and Determination by Octogenarian

WOW! 82-Year-Old Vietnam Veteran Beat Armed Intruder To DEATH

80 year olds are not all like Joe Biden!

In a terrifying turn of events, an 82-year-old Vietnam veteran found himself facing an armed intruder in his own home.

However, instead of becoming a victim, the elderly man put up a courageous fight and managed to beat the robber to death, saving both his own life and his wife’s. The shocking incident took place in the Parrish’s home in South Carolina, and neighbors were stunned by the sudden violence in their usually peaceful community.

According to Lois Parrish, she opened the door to a man claiming to be looking for his lost dog. “I told him no, I hadn’t,” she recalls. But this was just the beginning, as the disguised robber forced his way into the Parrish home and attacked Lois with a knife, leaving a deep gash on her forehead.

It was at this point that her husband, Herbert, decided it was time to defend his family and his home from the armed intruder.

Motto: Have a loaded gun to which you can have quick access and don't let Biden take away your guns.

Read the story...

"It smells horrible down there!"

Hundreds Of Illegals Set Up Makeshift ‘Mini-City’ Under Brooklyn-Queens Expressway

This is AOC's district!

Hundreds of undocumented immigrants (aka ILLEGALS) have established a temporary settlement in New York City beneath the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway.

Remember when AOC raced to the border for a photo-op in front of what supposedly was Trump’s kids-in-cages facility? Well, now those kids in cages are kids in squalor in her backyard. Et tu AOC?

This is the result of years of liberal and progressive policies, an area that has now become a place of disarray and filth.

Adding to this precarious situation is a homeless encampment nearby that has reportedly seen numerous fires, shootings, and drug overdoses according to King County Sheriff’s Department.

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Israel struck 150 underground tunnels in Gaza

Israel STRIKES 150 Hamas Tunnel Sites In Ferocious Airstrikes

Israel unleashed fury on northern Gaza Friday night after repeatedly urging civilians to evacuate the area for the last two weeks as it seeks to permanently eradicate Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist group that is responsible for murdering more than 1,400 Israelis, wounding 5,200+ more, and kidnapping 200+ people.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said that it struck 150 underground sites in Hamas’ vast underground terror tunnels that allow the terrorists to meet, organize, and move undetected throughout Gaza. The terrorists also store weapons, ammunition, and other military supplies in the tunnels.

The terrorists use hardwired landlines, which allowed them to communicate without being intercepted by Israeli intelligence as they plotted the October 7 attacks.

And, IDF says it eliminated the head of Hamas's aerial array, Issam Abu Rukbeh, in an overnight airstrike in the Gaza Strip. According to the IDF, Abu Rukbeh was responsible for Hamas's UAVs, drones, paragliders, and air defenses.

Video on X



  • God is real.
  • There are two genders.
  • Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.
  • Reverse racism is racism.
  • An open border is no border.
  • Parents determine the education of their children.
  • The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.
  • Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.
  • There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.
  • The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.

Chinese nationals entering our country

Cuba is trying to infiltrate Chinese nationals into the US by sea

China is building the infrastructure to attack us from our own soil,

said Gordon G. Chang (@GordonGChang) October 29, 2023 on X

In a surprising development, U.S. Rep. Carlos Gimenez, a prominent Republican lawmaker representing the Florida Keys, has raised concerns about an alleged partnership between China and Cuba.

According to Gimenez, these two communist nations have purportedly joined forces to facilitate the transportation of Chinese nationals across the treacherous Straits of Florida in the Atlantic Ocean, with the apparent intent of smuggling them into the United States. This revelation comes shortly after the apprehension of 17 Chinese nationals within Gimenez’s congressional district.

We are only 100 miles from Cuba and earlier this year, reports emerged about a covert agreement between China and Cuba to establish an electronic eavesdropping base in Cuba.

The only thing that we all know, under Joe Biden, our country is NOT safe.


Robby Soave of "Rising" is correct in this argument against Hamas

Host Goes Nuclear on Hamas Sympathizers Live on Air: ‘Don’t Give a F**ck’

“The left endorses what Hamas did.” He later mentioned groups like Black Lives Matter, the Democratic Socialists of America and a group of Harvard students for their disturbing support of Hamas’s terrorist actions.

“I don’t give a fuck, Briahna,” Soave pushed back, adding, “The Israelis did get killed, because a terrorist group targeted them, and they bear responsibility for what they did,” Soave said.”

I don't agree with him with a two-state solution but it was difficult to argue aainst a far-left Democrat who never shut up.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Reactions to the Barbaric attack by Hamas

Palm Beach County Leaders React to Hamas Attack on Israel

"The savage and cowardly attacks by Hamas against Israel shocked the world, and Palm Beach County leaders had a lot to say about it.

I’ve seen a lot of war footage in my life, and of course, it’s all horrible, but what Hamas did is disgusting. The dozens of videos I saw on Twitter made me sick. I understand what men must do to men in a war. I understand the concept of ‘collateral damage” and the terrible necessity of it sometimes.

But to watch trained fighters go door to door and gun down men, women, and children in their homes is an atrocity, a war crime. What kind of men kill a young woman, tie her naked body to the back of a pickup truck, and ride around hitting and spitting on her corpse while they cheer?

What kind of animals kidnap babies?

Only evil men do these things, and men that evil must be hunted down and eliminated."

Read comments from Palm Beach County Leaders

Hunter Biden FBI investigation was deliberately slow-walked

FBI sat on dozens of tips from more than 40 informants about the Biden family’s alleged influence peddling scheme.

Former U.S. Attorney Says FBI, David Weiss Hindered Hunter Biden Investigation

Former U.S. Attorney Scott Brady testified this week that the FBI prevented him from investigating Hunter Biden’s work for Ukrainian oil company Burisma.

Brady, who served as the Justice Department’s top federal prosecutor in Pittsburgh from 2017 to 2021, told House Judiciary Committee members during a closed-door hearing on Monday that FBI leadership and special counsel David Weiss deliberately slow-walked any attempt to look into Hunter Biden’s financial dealings.

Brady said he was tasked with “looking into allegations of Ukrainian corruption broadly,” as well as “anything that intersected with Hunter Biden and his role in Burisma.”

“I think there was reluctance on the part of the FBI to really do any tasking related to our assignment,” he told lawmakers. “There was a larger group at the FBI, including FBI headquarters, that had eyes on what was happening and which required signoff for any investigative steps that FBI Pittsburgh was asked to take by us.”


Evidence of Election Interference to be presented by Trump's Attorneys

President Trump to show evidence in court that foreign governments interfered in the 2016 and 2020 election

President Trump’s legal team filed a new motion on Thursday that seems to indicate that President Trump will present classified evidence that there was foreign interference in both the 2016 and 2020 elections.

This move comes as President Trump is combating the corrupt Jack Smith and Judge Tanya Chutkan in their quest to prevent Trump from retaking the White House.

According to the motion submitted on Thursday by Trump’s counsel, Trump plans to introduce classified evidence during the trial. The defense team led by Attorneys John F. Lauro and Todd Blanche, intend to show, using classified documents, that foreign actors interfered in the two elections in an effort to aid the Democrats.


FBI Clears Trump

Wray Clears Trump of Any Wrongdoing After Four-Year Investigation

Democrats accuse Trump of anything and everything hoping one will stick


Former President Donald Trump has been cleared of one of the multiple accusations made by Democrats since his departure from office in 2020. According to a Department of Justice report, an extensive four-year review concluded that he had not influenced the FBI’s decision to maintain its headquarters in Washington, D.C., rather than moving it to Virginia or Maryland.

The discussion around relocating the FBI out of its iconic J. Edgar Hoover Building started two decades ago and became more serious in 2014 when they began seriously examining their options.

Why did it take four years to figure this out? What a waste of time and resources of your money just to try and "get" Trump.

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January 6th Investigation

Trump to Present Classified Intel of Foreign Interference in 2016 and 2020 Elections

Trump’s defense team, led by attorneys John F. Lauro and Todd Blanche, plans to introduce classified evidence during the trial.

This evidence aims to disclose foreign influence activities that affected both the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections. According to the defense’s motion, this evidence will substantiate Trump’s efforts to challenge the election results and undermine the central theories of the prosecution.

The defense argues that the indictment adopted classified assessments by the Intelligence Community, which downplayed foreign actors’ efforts to interfere in the 2020 election.

By presenting classified information, Trump aims to shed light on these foreign influence activities and demonstrate that his actions were carried out in good faith.

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Israeli takes out Hamas Mastermind

Israeli Forces Eliminate Hamas Terror Mastermind Asem Abu Rakaba

Click to see the photos

Newsom wants to be President? HAHAHA

Gov Gavin Newsom, a top Biden 2024 surrogate, traveled to China (while his entire state falls apart) and met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on climate change, fetanyl.

Democrats are obsessed with climate change!


House Passes Resolution in Support of Israel

House Passes First Measure After Mike Johnson Becomes New Speaker

On Wednesday, following the election of Representative Mike Johnson (R-La.) as Speaker on the first ballot, the House of Representatives swiftly passed its initial measure. A bipartisan resolution expressing support for Israel was approved by an overwhelming majority of 412 to 10, with only a few far-left Democrats dissenting.

The resolution seeks to condemn violence and reaffirm the United States’ commitment to protecting a key ally, according to the Washington Examiner.

“The four-page resolution was filed earlier this month, just days after Hamas launched an attack on Israel from Gaza, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to declare war on Oct. 7. Six members voted present: Reps. Greg Casar (D-TX), Joaquin Castro (D-TX), Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Chuy Garcia (D-IL), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Nydia Velazquez (D-NY),” the outlet added.

Those showing their haste for our only democracy in the Mid-East: “Nine Democrats voted no: Reps. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), Cori Bush (D-MO), Andre Carson (D-IN), Al Green (D-TX), Summer Lee (D-PA), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Delia Ramirez (D-IL), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI). All are associated with or adjacent to the progressive ‘Squad,’” the Examiner continued.

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Southern Poverty Law Center Hate group attacks newly elected house Speaker

Democrats, leftists rely on disgraced SPLC group to smear Speaker Mike Johnson

Repeats Palestinian propaganda after terror attack in Israel

Democrats, leftists and media opposed to new House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., are using the notorious, far-left group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and its discredited "hate" designation to tar Johnson as being affiliated with a supposed "hate group," which is actually a leading Christian conservative legal organization.

Johnson worked for the Christian legal defense group Alliance Defending Freedom, formerly the Alliance Defense Fund, which the SPLC has smeared as a "hate group" – mainly for ADF's longstanding opposition to homosexuality and the transgender agenda as being sinful.

SPLC's tactic of "designating" various conservative organizations as "hate groups" to advance the Left's political and cultural narratives has come under withering criticism in recent years as many millions of Americans who follow conservative media and social media were exposed the group's radicalism and highly political nature.

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In actuality, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a HATE GROUP.

Mike Johnson on Human Dignity

Because all men are created equal and in the image of God, every human life has inestimable dignity and value, and every person should be measured only by the content of their character.

A just government protects life, honors marriage and family as the primary institutions of a healthy society, and embraces the vital cultural influences of religion and morality.

Public policy should always encourage education and emphasize the virtue of hard work as a pathway out of-poverty, while public assistance programs should be reserved only for those who are truly in need.

In America, everyone who plays by the rules should get a fair shot. By preserving these ideals, we will maintain the goodness of America that has been the secret to our greatness.


Biden Blunders Again!

Biden nearly introduced himelf

"In a recent press conference, President Joseph R. Biden found himself in an awkward and almost comical moment. He came close to introducing himself before approaching the podium but quickly corrected his mistake, stating, "I'm not introducing me, Mark is. I forgot, Mark. I went straight to the podium." This incident was somewhat cringe-worthy, leaving President Biden flustered as he stepped aside and exchanged bemused glances with someone offscreen.

During discussion of his 'Bidenomics' plan, he made a bold claim regarding its apparent successes. He asserted, "It's working. We're creating good jobs in communities all across the country, including places where factories have remained dormant for decades due to jobs moving overseas in search of cheaper labor." According to him, his plan has attracted over $600 billion in private investment in America and has led to a surge in manufacturing.

However, it's evident that Biden's policies place a heavy emphasis on issues of racial identity, as he highlighted their impact on "communities historically left behind, women, and people of color." This emphasis isn't surprising, considering the Democratic Party's inclination toward identity politics. But it does raise questions about whether policies should be equitable for all Americans, regardless of their race or gender.

While Biden talked about his economic plans, he abruptly apologized and announced that he needed to attend to another issue in the Situation Room: Hamas had released two more hostages. When questioned about the U.S. position on a ceasefire deal for the hostages, Biden responded somewhat paradoxically, saying, "We should have a ceasefire. Not a ceasefire. We should have those hostages released, and then we can talk." His stance appeared somewhat inconsistent.

In summary, President Biden's press conference featured moments of awkwardness and some contentious claims. While he may tout the alleged successes of his 'Bidenomics' plan, the on-ground reality presents a different picture. It's essential for the American people to see beyond the rhetoric and hold the President accountable for the consequences of his policies." [politicalactionalerts]

Putin and his allies are plotting to overthrow the U.S. Dollar

Biden's Weakness made Ukraine Irresistible to Putin

By John Browne, former adviser to Donald Trump and Margaret Thatcher.

"On August 24, Vladimir Putin launched an attack that we cannot turn back from. The clock has been set. And it will affect the lives of everyone — yours, mine and our families — for decades to come.

This attack was launched neither by land nor by sea. It was carried out in secret — 6,000 miles away from the battlefront.

And it won't just help Russia win the war in Ukraine. No. This time, Putin’s thinking much bigger than that.

If he has his way, this attack will reestablish Russia as the world’s next superpower — and change the face of the international monetary order for generations.

On Aug. 24, Putin — as well as his allies in China, Brazil, India, and South Africa — met to deliver a fatal blow to Ukraine’s most powerful ally . . .The United States of America." Trump has talked about this and Biden is Putin's Trojan Horse.

Read what John Browne has to say

Mike Johnson grills Mayorkas

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faced a barrage of criticism Wednesday from House Republicans who, in recent months, have floated impeaching him over what they say is his dereliction of duty in securing the southern border.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Netanyahu takes out senior Hamas commander Hassan Al-Abdullah

Israeli Military Officials Say IDF Conducted Raid

Israeli Defense Forces launched a massive airstrike campaign in Gaza on Thursday, targeting senior Hamas commanders responsible for the October 7th attack on Israel.

The campaign, which saw about 250 airstrikes in just 24 hours, was a response to the increasing tension between Israel and Hamas.

According to the IDF, the airstrikes were based on intelligence gathered by the IDF and ISA, specifically targeting senior Hamas commander Hassan Al-Abdullah, who was in charge of the Northern Khan Yunis Rockets Array. The IDF released footage of the airstrike, showing multiple airstrikes in Gaza.

Al-Abdullah's death is just the latest in a series of targeted killings by Israel, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to take out all Hamas members involved in the attack on Israel. He has also declared his intention to destroy Hamas entirely.


Biden encouraged Trump Indictments

Biden Slips Up & CONFESSES His Role In Trump’s Indictment!

Joe Biden has finally said the quiet part out loud and admitted that his administration is working to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House.

Biden claimed that Trump’s 2024 run would be a “disaster” for the country and that he would do everything his power to “stop Trump from taking power again.”

Biden’s not interested in uniting the country. He’s only interested in silencing his political opponents and consolidating his power.

Biden’s remarks also expose the hypocrisy and double standards of the mainstream media and the Democrats who spent four years trying to nail Trump to a cross.


Florida Highway Patrol Apprehended Chinese illegals

Florida Highway Patrol Assist in Apprehension of 17 Chinese Nationals Following Illegal Landing in Key Largo

Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) announced the capture and detention of 20 undocumented arrivals who landed in Key Largo by boat. On October 22nd, FHP responded to Mile Marker 109 in Monroe County at the request of U.S. Border Patrol to set up a secure perimeter and to assist in the apprehension of the suspects.

The undocumented arrivals consisted of 17 subjects from China (11 adult males, six adult females) and three from Ecuador (all adult males).

“While the Biden Administration has completely failed at border security, our Florida Highway Patrol troopers stand ready to protect the U.S. border, whether in the southwestern United States or here off the coast of Florida,” said Executive Director Dave Kerner. “This detention of Chinese nationals shows how an open border allows individuals from enemy nations to enter our communities.”

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We have China buying land near military bases. They have built a base in Cuba. They sent a spy balloon across our country for 7 days. They are crossing our border in droves. What are you doing about it, Joe?

Thank God for Ron DeSantis protecting Florida.

Florida appealed to the Supreme Court

Supreme Court Hit with Red State Demand – They Want to Bring Back 1 Controversial Law

  • Florida appealed to the Supreme Court to reinstate a child ban for drag shows.
  • The state law prohibits drag shows and similar events from welcoming children.
  • Liberals are opposing the law, claiming it violates the First Amendment.
Republican-led states have been passing numerous pieces of legislation to combat Biden’s agenda. Conservatives have been on the warpath, banning policies and practices that are largely embraced by liberal states–and seemingly endorsed by the White House.

Most red states have passed laws banning abortions, eliminating CRT in schools, and setting strict limits on transgender procedures for minors.

In Florida, a law was passed that would further protect children from harm. A restaurant sued, leading to a lower court overturning the law. Now, the state is appealing to the highest authority in the land.


We are NOT ready for war

We have spread ourselves thin on two fronts--Ukraine and Israel.

Secretary Blinken Claims U.S. Is Ready for War – DoD Realities Say He’s Wrong

The world is once again on the precipice of war, this time with the potential to grow much larger than the wars our country has faced since WWII.

The argument could be made that the wheels of this war had been turning for a while and that we are merely at the beginning of an inevitable international conflict that could determine the next world order.

Senior government officials and Biden administration appointees have publicly and privately stated their concerns and warnings to those who might choose to speed up this worldwide eruption.

The common theme is that the United States is ready to meet force with force if need be, and that threat is meant to be a deterrence to our enemies and the enemies of our allies.
Congressman Byron Donalds @RepDonaldsPress:
"There are several reports from the ground..saying that Hamas has American weapons..If they have US weapons, they came from us leaving them behind."
If true, this is a direct result of Biden's disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

The incompetence of the Biden admin is staggering.



Vivek Ramaswamy is Right: Get America Out Of the U.N. and NATO

Millennial GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has captured the curiosities of young conservative voters and has managed to qualify for the next presidential debate in November.

Suppose one closes their eyes and listens to Vivek Ramaswamy speak on politics and policy. In that case, you’d almost swear you could hear the familiar voice of former President Donald Trump.

Recently, the young candidate was asked about his thoughts on the former President’s distaste for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and his response, while short, summarizes what neoconservatives and Warhawks are terrified might be happening to the Grand Old Party.
The original purpose of NATO was to counter USSR aggression & later to avoid nuclear war with the Soviets. Yet NATO expanded the most *after* the fall of the USSR. George Kennan, the lead architect of our deterrence strategy, said NATO expansionism was “the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post Cold War era.” And now NATO’s behavior is bringing us *closer* to nuclear war with post-Soviet Russia. Time to think independently again with fresh eyes.
Read more of Vivek

Jack Smith ends Federal Grand Jury Witch Hunt

Jack Smith Ends DC Grand Jury Investigating Trump

In an unexpected development, President Trump has been cleared of any wrongdoing following an exhaustive four-year investigation. The relentless pursuit of justice, or as some may call it, the political witch hunt, has finally come to an end.

For four long years, Trump was under the microscope, with every action scrutinized, every decision questioned, and every move second-guessed. Accusations of collusion, corruption, and conspiracy were hurled at him with reckless abandon. The mainstream media had already convicted him in the court of public opinion. But, when the dust finally settled, the truth emerged victorious – Trump was innocent.

The federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., that helped investigate former president Donald Trump’s alleged mishandling of classified documents has ended, special counsel Jack Smith said in a court filing.

In Tuesday’s filing, prosecutors defend the use of a federal grand jury in the nation’s capital, as well as one in South Florida, to hear evidence in the matter, saying the two-pronged approach was proper to investigate criminal conduct that allegedly occurred in both places.

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Witness: Iran "Made Active Attempts" to Assassinate U.S. Officials

As the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing on “Understanding the Iranian Regime’s Access to Money Around the World and How They Use It to Support Terrorism” on Thursday, Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN) questions why the Biden Administration will not rescind the $6 billion it sent to Iran while, according to Gabriel Noronha, Fellow withThe Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy at The Jewish Institute for National Security of America, has allegedly "made active attempts" to assassinate U.S. officials.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Iran threatend us at the United Nations

Who Allowed Iran’s Foreign Minister To Visit New York and Deliver Threats at the United Nations?

We are getting threatened in our own country by a terrorist regime...unreal!

It turns out that President Biden’s policy on Iran is failing to catch up with his rhetoric.

As the Islamic Republic of Iran has been amping up its aggression against Israeli targets and American troops, the Biden administration allowed Tehran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, to visit New York and deliver threats, vowing Thursday to escalate the Mideast war.

President Biden, in a slight toughening of his Iran policies, now claims that he has delivered a strong message to Tehran: “My warning to the Ayatollah was that if they continue to move against those troops, we will respond, and he should be prepared,” he said Wednesday.

“When the murderous Iranian FM wanted to come to NYC in 2020, I said no,” a former secretary of state, Michael Pompeo, wrote on X, referring to the time America denied a visa to another foreign minister, Javad Zarif.

In contrast, the current foreign minister — a man who has “blood on his hands” — is allowed in. Even as Mr. Abdollahian “sits in luxury in our country, his regime is holding innocent Americans hostage in horrific conditions,” Mr. Pompeo added.

Our country has lost all respect in the world. Biden is heading us right into World War III


Trump Rally on November 8

“Loyal” is a word that the mind of a RINO simply cannot comprehend.

As you may have heard by now, the Disloyal Republicans are going to hold yet ANOTHER debate.

They’re once again going to spend the entire night attacking me, playing right into Crooked Joe’s hands.

This will effectively be a 2-hour long pro-Biden primetime commercial.

At that point, we will be LESS than 1 YEAR OUT from the 2024 election. We cannot waste precious time and resources that should be put toward firing Crooked Joe rather than helping him and dividing our Party.

But you know that your all-time favorite, very intelligent President – who is always two steps ahead of the RINOs – wouldn’t let them get away with it, right?

That’s why I will once again drown out the little league debate with an event of my own – just like we did with the Tucker Carlson interview that got more ratings than Oprah’s world-famous interview with Michael Jackson, and my great speech to voters in Michigan.

This time, I’m holding a rally in the GREAT STATE OF FLORIDA on the night of the debate just down the road.


Trump Rally Hialeah on Nov. 8 — the same night his GOP challengers will be on stage in Miami for their third presidential primary debate. The Hialeah rally is scheduled for 7 p.m. at Ted Hendricks Stadium at Henry Milander Park, 4800 Palm Avenue. Attending the rally requires obtaining free tickets from the campaign.

Click here for free tickets You can't get in without a ticket.

Ground Broken on Dixie Highway in Lake Worth Beach

Miami JV Building Lake Worth Beach Mixed-Use Project

Office America Group and Avanti Way Group have broken ground on Deco Green, a 125,000-square-foot, mixed-use community featuring four buildings with 125 residential units, approximately 8,000 square feet of office/retail, and approximately 15,000 square feet of open green space at 1715 N. Dixie Hwy. in Lake Worth Beach, FL. MGM Construction Group is the general contractor.

Designed by Martin Architectural Group, Deco Green features a mix of Art-Deco and Bauhaus style design. Tenants can select from a mix of one- two- and three-bedroom floor plans ranging in size from 655-1,320 square feet. Apartments feature private balconies overlooking a courtyard.

Deco Green will include a rooftop lounge, fitness center, bike storage, a children’s playground, dog park, offices, retail and more. The courtyard will serve as a gathering place for picnics, yoga classes, art festivals and more for residents and the surrounding community to enjoy. Completion is slated for the first quarter of 2025. []

Domestic Violence turns to death in Lake Worth Beach

Community mourns beloved Lake Worth Beach mother after body found in husband's car

According to the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office (WPEC), a body was discovered inside a vehicle parked at the Lake Worth Tri-Rail Station last Sunday during a missing persons investigation.

They are turning their tragedy into action. This week, many gathered in front of PBSO’s station in Lake Worth Beach, in a form of protest, because they feel more can be done to avoid similar tragedies.

Days before her death, deputies responded to a domestic-related call at their house. She decided to stay which was f fatal mistake.

According to the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office, a body was discovered inside a vehicle parked at the Lake Worth Tri-Rail Station Sunday October 22, 2023 during a missing person’s investigation. Family members identified the victim as Eulalia Castellon. They said the car belongs to her husband, Jose, who they believe has since fled the country.

“The overall message, uniformly, from men and women, was speak up, seek help, talk to other people, don’t let this sit too long,” Lake Worth Beach Vice Mayor Christopher McVoy, said. “It’s very important that law enforcement make sure they hear and are fully conscious of what is the perception in the community.”

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Endangered species being used in pharmaceuticals in China

Several Chinese Companies List Endangered Animals As Ingredients

I thought this was interesting in the simple fact that China has little regard to life in general. It is all a means to an end.

A surprising environmental investigation has recently uncovered three publicly traded Chinese pharmaceutical companies that use endangered animals as product ingredients.

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The EIA’s report has not only exposed this environmental wrongdoing but has also called upon global investors in these Chinese pharmaceutical firms, some of whom include major financial institutions such as UBS and HSBC, to divest from their stakes.

Twitter user Data Fox, whose bio says he works in data science, claimed in a tweet that U.S. reliance on Chinese biopharmaceutical exports represents a threat to national security. “Something like 90% of pharma products manufactured in China.

The majority of Americans and partner countries want Trump back

Pro-Trump Craze is a Worldwide Phenomenon

Check out the international Trump Factor

Just recently Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry won the governorship of the state, and he proudly accepted an endorsement from President Trump. He even featured Trump in one of his campaign commercials.

And in what should send shockwaves down the spines of Leftists (if they had spines) is that Landry is pro-life. Supposedly the abortion issue could wreck any Republican, right? It had no impact on Landry.

Landry won with almost 52 percent of the vote. He had 13 competitors. And he crushed the nearest and only Democrat competitor who managed to get just under 25 percent of the vote.

That election constitutes a 100+ percent butt-kicking of the Left. Further, it represents a bellwether for the Democrats in 2024 and all around the country.

While Democrats haven’t done themselves any favors, the Trump factor is real. Because the world fears a weak American president

Read the rest...

DeSantis sends donated supplies to Israel

Ron DeSantis Just Did Something HUGE For The People Of Israel

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said on Tuesday that his administration has dispatched two huge planes loaded with supplies to Israel as the country fights the Palestinian terrorists responsible for the deaths of over 1,400 Israelis last week.

Our Republican governor delivered 85 pallets of donated supplies to Israel, which are anticipated to arrive in the next several hours.

“With the lack of leadership in Washington, we are stepping up to help our allies in Israel who are in need of supplies and our support,” DeSantis said a statement. “As we continue to bring back Americans who were stranded in Israel when the war began, we will also keep sending the necessary health care supplies for Israel to care for those who have been injured.”

In less than five days, 85 pallets of supplies deemed as crucial by Israeli hospitals were packed and ready for transportation.

Read about what DeSantis shipped

The only Democracy in the Mid-East getting hammered in more ways than one

Israel Shares 43 Minutes of Brutal Hamas Attacks to Horrified Journalists in Private Screening

When I see the protests worldover against Israel who was brutally attacked by Hamas terrorists, it makes me sick. In and around the world and in our universities and major cities, there have been crazies protesting against Israel, the victims of these brutal atrocities.

We all should feel horror for this. We all should feel shame for those in The Squad for their hateful rhetoric.

Rashida Tlaib blames Biden and calls it "his war."

On Monday, Israel presented a screening of 43 minutes of shocking crimes committed by Hamas during the October 7 onslaught in southern Israel, which resulted in over 1,400 fatalities.

This presentation also included never-before-seen footage. The purpose of this was to counter the growing “Holocaust denial” phenomenon that has been spreading worldwide.

Read about it...

Massachusetts motto: "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty"

Massachusetts Lawmakers Pass Sweeping Gun Bill Months After 6–3 Supreme Court Decision

Lawmakers in a Democrat-controlled state passed a major gun law, with the House speaker saying it came after the Supreme Court's 2022 ruling.

Democrats have NO respect for the Supreme Court of the United States or the Constitution.

The Massachusetts state House of Representatives approved a sweeping gun law that aims at restricting more firearms and cracking down on AR-15-style rifles—after a unanimous coalition of police chiefs in the state publicly opposed it.

The legislation advanced in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark ruling in 2022 that Americans have the Second Amendment-enshrined right to carry firearms in public for self-defense, according to Democrats in Massachusetts, a state that has long had stringent gun laws.

Epoch Times article

Who doesn't want to Make America Great?

Answer: Democrats, Socialists, Communists, Globalists...all the other ists

Congratulations, Trump Supporters, You Are Officially Terrorists According to the FBI

After January 6, Americans were told that the FBI “cannot and does not investigate ideology.” An FBI Spokesman assured citizens, “We focus on individuals who commit or intend to commit violence or criminal activity that constitutes a federal crime or poses a threat to national security.”

But quietly, the FBI has classified a group of Americans as a “threat to national security.”

Not Catholics, that’s already been done.

The FBI’s newest focus, as revealed in a Newsweek investigation, encompasses a new category of extremists it claims is a substantial threat to the integrity of the 2024 U.S. presidential election. The focus of this effort is to monitor and address Donald Trump’s MAGA supporters.

Read about it...

The FBI has a hellofa big job going after 81 million MAGA supporters.

Joe Biden at the Beach as the world is in Flames

Taking a nap at the beach

Joe Biden Enjoys Breezy Beach Walks as Middle East Explodes

President Joe Biden has been seen in pictures and videos enjoying a weekend of walks on Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, as Hamas terrorists pushed their campaign of destruction against Israel and the U.S. placed additional troops on prepare-to-deploy orders to the Middle East.

While he remains at his luxurious Rehoboth Beach property—which was purchased in cash following a “shakedown” message from Hunter Biden to a Chinese associate, he strolls on the beach.

One short clip shows Biden and first lady Jill Biden strolling the Atlantic beachfront on Sunday while a reporter off screen asks him about the release of Americans being held hostage by Hamas. He doesn't answer.

Watch on X and see Biden strolling on the beach.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Hamas interrogations reveal the Depravity

Hamas Terrorist: We Got $10K, Apartment to Take a Hostage

Six Hamas terrorists interrogated by Israel's Shin Bet security service and police force said they were told to kill and kidnap civilians during the raids on Oct. 7, and one said they were offered a special reward for bringing a hostage back to Gaza.

"Whoever brings a hostage back [to Gaza] gets $10,000 and an apartment," one of the terrorists told Israeli forces, reports The Jerusalem Post, after footage of the interrogation was released Monday showing selected clips from six separate sessions.

Read about the depravity

Sunset 10-24-19

At a Conservative Club meeting so here is a nice sunset from 4 years ago.

What is Joe thinking?

His first duty is to protect American citizens.

Federal Alarm Over Potential Infiltration of Terrorist Groups at US Southern Border

United States federal authorities recently raised concerns over the potential infiltration of members from Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Hezbollah through the southern border.

This warning was highlighted in an internal memo dated October 20, which was exclusively obtained by a news foundation. The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, which escalated with terror attacks on civilians on October 7, put the federal authorities on high alert.

The San Diego Field Office Intelligence Division of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued the memo, warning about potential encounters with individuals linked to these terrorist organizations at the US southern border.

Video on X


What I fail to understand is why every citizen of this country is not alarmed and speaking out about it or calling their senators. Why is Joe selling out our nation? Why no outrage other than from Republicans?

Tlaib accused of siding with Hamas against Israel and U.S.

GOP Rep. Jackson demands Dem Rep. Tlaib be barred from classified briefings on Israel over her siding with Hamas in Gaza

Since the conflict between Israel and Hamas erupted following the Palestinian terror group's Oct. 7 murderous campaign of atrocities against thousands of predominately civilian Israelis, there has been no mistaking where the loyalties of Palestinian-American Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) lie.

Now one of her Republican colleagues, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) has called for Tlaib's security clearance to be revoked and for her to be barred from receiving any classified briefings on anything related to the Israel-Hamas conflict, according to Fox News.

In support of that demand, Jackson accused Tlaib of being an antisemitic "Hamas sympathizer" who has willfully spread "misinformation" about the conflict and steadfastly refused to condemn the terror group's heinous acts while incessantly criticizing and slandering Israel's military response.

Read about it...

Biden still fails to mention Iran is funding Hamas

Chaos erupts in Mideast as Israel-Hamas conflict surges

'Tehran is bringing various elements of its proxy network online and in place to bail out Hamas'

And Joe Biden must be scared of Iran as he NEVER mentions that evil, terrorist nation.

In the wake of Israel’s attacks on Hamas, U.S. forces in the Middle East have endured several attacks as violent protests decrying Israel ensue throughout the region.

Israel is carrying out a sweeping counteroffensive in the Gaza Strip after Hamas killed over 1,400 Israelis and kidnapped over 100 civilians, including children, during mass terrorist attacks that began on Oct. 7.

Protests and violence have flared up in surrounding Middle Eastern nations – despite the Biden administration claiming days before the Hamas attack that the region is “quieter” than it has been in decades.

Obviously, Israel's and the United States' intelligence failed.


Biden needs to stop interferring in Netanyahu's decision to annihilate Hamas.

Attempted Hijacking of an Alaska Airlines plane

A US airliner has been under an attempted hijacking on an Alaska Airlines flight

The Plane left Washington and was diverted to Portland Oregon after an off-duty pilot in the jumper seat of the cockpit tried to pull the emergency shut off for the airline.

An off-duty pilot riding as a passenger in the cockpit of an Alaska Airlines flight Sunday tried to “disrupt the operation of the engines,” forcing the flight en route to San Francisco to divert to Portland, Oregon, the airline said in a statement Monday.

The suspect, identified by police as Joseph D. Emerson, 44, was subdued by the flight crew and taken into custody by the Port of Portland police officers, the port said in a separate statement.

Online booking records show Emerson has been charged with 83 felony counts of attempted murder, 83 counts of reckless endangerment and one count of endangering an aircraft.

Read about it...

"If I were the Devil" - Paul Harvey

Radio Legend Paul Harvey Warned Us In 1965 And It Has Sadly Come True

Fai Willis

What Fani Willis said behind closed doors

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis keeps proving that her case against Donald Trump is a politically motivated farce.

That’s bad news for the Democrat Party.

And what Fani Willis said behind closed doors will leave you red with rage.

Willis attended a fundraiser for her reelection campaign on her 52nd birthday.

At the event, Willis tried to claim she was the victim and alluded to attacks coming her way from Donald Trump as a way to guilt donors into stuffing her reelection account with campaign contributions.


Obesity in the Military

Military Obesity Threatens National Security

A recent study conducted by the American Security Project revealed a worrying trend in the U.S. military, with nearly 70% of American soldiers classified as overweight or obese. This has significant implications for our nation’s military readiness and national security.

The Body Mass Index (BMI) was used to assess the weight status of the soldiers, with the “obese” category more than doubling over the past decade from 10.4% in 2012 to 21.6% in 2022. This alarming trend suggests that obesity is a significant issue that needs to be addressed urgently.

Obesity has long been a disqualifier for military applicants, with less than a quarter of Americans aged 17 to 24 qualifying both academically and physically for military service. This poses a significant challenge to the U.S. military, which has struggled mightily to meet enlistment goals in recent years.


Check your BMI

Biden is a total Fraud

Joe Biden Arrived In Israel And Looked About As Lost As A Person Could Possibly Be..

Joe Biden traveled to Israel on Wednesday for meetings with Israeli leaders in Tel Aviv.

Antony Blinken, the reticent Secretary of State, was there to join him. He knew Joe Biden would not abandon him like the other Muslim leaders in the Middle East.

As a press conference came to a close, Joe Biden began yelling something at someone.

Then he appeared lost as he was led away from the scene.

What a pitiful performance – a national humiliation.

Read more and see video

Apprehensions OF ILLEGAL ALIENS between ports of entry

Border Patrol see record number of Illegals at our border

“That data, confirmed by multiple CBP sources and reflects apprehensions between ports of entry between October 2021 and October 2023, shows that agents encountered 6,386 nationals from Afghanistan in that period as well as 3,153 from Egypt, 659 from Iran and 538 from Syria.

“Agents also encountered 13,624 from Uzbekistan, 30,830 from Turkey, 1,613 from Pakistan, 164 from Lebanon, 185 from Jordan, 139 from Yemen, 123 from Iraq and 15,594 from Mauritania which is officially the Islamic Republic of Mauritania ( Arabic: الجمهورية الإسلامية الموريتانية ), and  a sovereign country in Northwest Africa. (I had to look it up as I had never heard of it.)

“The data does not include information on how many of those migrants were removed or who were released into the U.S. with a court date.”

We are back to seeing record numbers at the border, and with what is happening in Israel right now, we have every reason to be concerned, and that is the understatement of the century.

Read about the crisis that Joe Biden ignores.

Oversight Committee is following the Money - Is it the "smoking gun?"

House Oversight Committee Releases Evidence Of Direct Payment To Joe Biden

On Friday House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said his panel has uncovered evidence that Joe Biden, in 2018, received a “$200,000 direct payment” from his brother James Biden and sister-in-law Sara Biden, and is demanding the president answer questions about “financial arrangements” with members of his family.

“A document that we’re releasing today raises new questions about how President Biden personally benefited from his family’s shady influence peddling of his name and their access to him,” Comer said in the announcement.

In September, Chairman Comer issued three subpoenas for Hunter and James Biden’s personal and business bank records.

Biden has repeatedly denied benefiting from the overseas business dealings, which total well over $20 million in payments, according to IRS whistleblowers. He has not yet responded to this latest piece of evidence.


Trump Rally, Hialeah, FL on November 8

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Hialeah, Florida

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally on Wednesday, November 8th, 2023, in Hialeah, FL.

Date and Time: Wednesday, November 8, 2023--7:00PM EDT

Ted Hendricks Stadium at Henry Milander Park
4800 Palm Avenue
Hialeah, FL 33012

Timeline of Events
8:00AM – Parking and Line Opens
2:00PM – Doors Open
5:00PM – Special Guest Speakers Deliver Remarks
7:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks

General Admission Tickets

Biden--Embellishing his past

A compilation of lies told by Joe Biden

shows that the president has a tendency to change facts about his past and lived experiences.

Whether he intentionally embellishes, fabricates, or forgets due to his declining cognitive ability, Biden’s false comments are shared occasionally, even opportunistically placing him at the center of important events.

Last month Daniel Dale, a CNN fact-checker, surprisingly pointed out Biden’s “unfortunate pattern” of “making up or embellishing stories” about his biography during a media outlet segment.

Regarding his position(s) on gay marriage, then-Senator Joe Biden voted for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in 1996.

In 2006 during an interview with CNN, Biden confirmed his definition of marriage:

“Look, marriage is between a man and a woman. Tell me why that has to be put in the Constitution now? We already have a federal law that has not been challenged. No one’s declared it unconstitutional. It’s the law of the land, saying marriage is between a man and a woman.” []

Liberals Eradicating our History

Democrats are pleased with incinerating Robert E. Lee Statute

Robert E. Lee statue melted in secret ceremony, to be remade into 'inclusive' public artwork

The statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee in downtown Charlottesville has not only been torn down but also melted down in a secret ceremony. The Confederate statue was removed following the 2017 Charlottesville riot and will now be replaced with public artwork that is more "inclusive."

The Washington Post reported that the Robert E. Lee statue was "being cut into fragments and dropped into a furnace, dissolving into a sludge of glowing bronze."

The outlet reported that the destruction of the Confederate monument was done in secrecy – the name and location of the foundry were not revealed to the public for fear of retribution. The group transforming the Confederate statue said they have already been the victims of "past threats."

Read about it...

Historical monuments of any country reflect the history of the country, and that is why the government of every country try their best to save their monuments from any kinds of issues. But not with the cancel culture so prevalent in our country...hell bent on destroying everything they don't like...erasing history and our past as if it never existed.

Trump was all in favor of protecting and preserving our monuments and statutes.

Gangs and Murderers entering our country over and over again

Nashville Murder Suspect Deported Twice, Still In United States

A twice-deported illegal alien from Honduras has been charged with murder in Nashville, Tennessee.

Kevin Castro-Garcia was charged in the murder of 37-year-old Elmer Nahum Miranda-Martinez whose body police said they found in the trunk of a car that had been set on fire in a “wooded area” in Nashville. On Monday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced that they had placed an immigration detainer on Castro-Garcia.

“This unlawfully present Honduran national is a threat to the safety of our local communities. He is a gang member with Sur 13, a transnational criminal organization.

ERO New Orleans will pursue all possible criminal and administrative avenues to see that he is prosecuted and removed from our local community,” said ERO New Orleans Field Office Director Mellissa Harper in a statement. “ERO has removed him twice from the United States and yet he continues to choose to violate our laws. Castro-Garcia must answer for his continued disregard for the laws of this country.”

This is part of Biden's World!

Read more about this murdering evil sob illegal

The article says they don't know where he entered the United States. Make a good guess! Close the border!

Pathetic Democrats and Anti-Semitism

Biden’s Latest Statement about Israel Aims At Appeasing ‘The Squad’

Joe Biden appeared to pander on Tuesday, watering down his criticisms of anti-Semitism just before his trip to Israel and Jordan later in the week. He called on Americans to “reject hate in every form.”

Biden made the comment in a post to X, where he tied the obvious anti-Semitism shown in the recent terror attacks Hamas perpetrated against Israeli civilians to other forms of hatred like “Islamophobia.”

Stephen Miller, America First Legal and one of my favorite patriots, called out the president’s stance on the issue, suggesting that the statement was being made at least in part to appease members of his own party who have taken a pro-Palestinian stance.

“When Ilhan Omar tweeted about Jews hypnotizing the world, the original resolution condemning her was about her anti-semitism,” Miller said. “Dems wouldn’t go for it, so they settled on condemning all hate instead.

This is about placating their extremist wing. Nothing more, and this decrepit old man isn’t writing these.”

Read about our "leader"