Monday, May 1, 2023

New York Times Promotes Euthanasia For Mentally Ill

NYT Liberalism: Please die instead of us having to pay for your mental healthcare

The controversial essay was titled “Medical Assistance in Dying Should Not Exclude Mental Illness.” Martin, a father of five and a professor of philosophy at the University of Missouri in Kansas City, recounted many of his past suicide attempts.

He further said he has “talked many, many people ‘off the ledge.’”

The Canadian is well aware of his government’s contentious “medical assistance in dying” (MAID) program. Canada has an established assisted suicide program that is increasingly controversial for the lax manner in which some patients are approved.

1 comment:

  1. It's very sad to see this and Canada is doing a lot of this push to saying it's okay for you to commit suicide and kill yourself if you're not happy with yourself or depressed or have health issues etc. It's all such a sin all lives matter to God from conception to natural death we should not be aborting babies and killing innocent help this voiceless babies and we should not be allowing the death penalty even though the Republicans push for that a lot too it's also murder let God handle our lives not human beings!
