Friday, June 17, 2022

Another $Billion plus to Ukraine

Joe Biden Announces Additional $1.2B Aid for Ukraine a Day After Ranting, “I Don’t Wanna Hear Anymore of These Lies About Reckless Spending!”

Joe Biden announced to send another $1 billion in new military aid to Ukraine while many Americans struggle with record-high gas and groceries prices, baby formula and food shortages, 401Ks crashing due to market collapse, highest inflation, and highest interest rates since 1994.

Joe Biden announced on Wednesday after a phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that he will send additional aid for security and humanitarian assistance.

Read about the aid package to Ukraine

Does our government want to tell us the truth as to whom is winning this war?


  1. The longer they keep sending aid, the more Ukrainians lose their lives. I don't know why they don't understand that.

    In the end, we lose all of these proxy wars, and leave a path of death and destruction in our wake.

    But what does it matter; they are not American lives.

  2. If they blew through 40 billion in 10 days, I don't see how 1 billion will help them.

    It seems like Biden's mental problems have led to a form of Megalomania. Well, now he has something in common with Zelensky.

  3. War is Big Business and all the elected are doing a lot of insider trading and they're making a lot of money on this war they're happy with the war, politicians love wars greedy selfish slaves of Satan!
