Saturday, February 19, 2022

Where is the $850 million, Mrs. De Blasio?

De Blasio's Wife Can't Explain Where The $850 MILLION Went

Trump Hating Former Mayor’s Wife Can Not Explain Where The $850 Million Went

"In Case You Missed It Nearly a BILLION Dollars Is 'MISSING' and De Blasio's Wife Can't Account For Where The Money Is!

$850 million dollars of U.S. taxpayer money is missing and New York Mayor Bill De Blasio's wife, who oversees the city's "Thrive" program where the money was supposed to go, cannot account for the massive sum.

Chirlane McCray, De Blasio's wife, kept very little records in the Thrive program to track spending or 'accomplishments.'"



  1. Lock her up. There should be a Trump sized investigation of this blatant public corruption. No one is above the law!!!

  2. The Political Class and the Criminal element seem to have a symbiotic relationship. No wonder there are so few arrests and convictions.
