Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Hateful Megan Rapinoe

Woke Loudmouth Megan Rapinoe Just Got The Worst News Of Her Career!

"There was a time when professional sports were enjoyable to watch. It was an American past-time that would be the bonding moment for families and friends to get together and cheer on their favorite team or athletes.

Sadly, over the years the progressive leftist movement has infiltrated sports teams. We began to see it when washed-up quarterback Colin Kaepernick started his national anthem protesting.

The anthem protests grew quickly as a number of NFL players and coaches joined in which drew widespread criticism from many football fans.

Then it spread to basketball, baseball, soccer, and even hockey as more players began to take a knee while the anthem played.

Soccer star Megan Rapinoe has been among the most outspoken of all, using her platform to raise awareness for a variety of progressive causes.

As it turns out, however, she seems to have lost the sizable soapbox she has grown accustomed to using to spread her hateful message."

Read the rest of the story

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