Sunday, February 20, 2022

Socialist councilmember cheers tax hike, envisions replacing capitalism with 'a socialist world'

Democrat Vows to Overthrow the US & Replace W/ “a Socialist World”

""In Case You Missed It ... The left has been very honest about their plans for our country .... but the media won't cover their statements. So, in case you missed it, this is who they are!

... this is an insurrection and vow to overthrow our government .. but the left is A OK with it ... Think about why that might be ...

What would be worse? Going to hell or going to Seattle? Considering that Seattle is ruled by socialists like Kshama Sawant, I think Satan is not all that bad. She is now claiming that she and her kind will overthrow the United States and turn this country into a socialistic fourth world country.

Sawant is a Democrat Socialist (one of Lake Worth's Commissioners is one also) aka communist who just helped pass the "Amazon Tax." That tax amounts to an income tax that will be paid by Amazon and not the employee."

This is one of the reasons why local elections are very important. Vote all Democrats out!

Read about this communist who wants to overthtow capitalism


  1. Sounds like a few crazies in Lake Worth.

  2. write in herman robinson for commision

  3. We will see tomorrow night if Craig is up to the task.
