Wednesday, February 16, 2022

New York Times "not guilty" in Sarah Palin lawsuit

Judge Finds The New York Times ‘Not Liable’ in Sarah Palin Defamation Case

A jury found The New York Times not liable after the news organization was sued by by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) over an editorial it published linking her to a mass shooting in 2011.

The jury’s decision Tuesday, which was unanimous, came a day after the judge in the case indicated he would dismiss the lawsuit against the newspaper, saying Palin’s attorneys produced a lack of evidence to suggest the news organization acted recklessly or knowingly published false material about her.

Read about it...


  1. Did you ever stop to think that by John McCain choosing that low life for Vice President, he was in effect throwing the election to Obama?

    The question is Why?

  2. That is neither here nor there. John McCain was a perverse individual, who intrinsically knew that he would lose the election, if for no other reason than that he had chosen that low-life. Now, he's dead, and we have to look at her.

    And if once she may have been attractive, that day has long since passed. She looks like what she is. A low-class uneducated opportunist.

  3. ok 5:03...I disagree with you.
    Looking her up, she went to the University of Idaho and in January 1986 and received her bachelor's degree in communications with an emphasis in journalism in May 1987.
    So, she is NOT uneducated.
    She was governor of her state.
    Read up on her--
    McCAin came from behind when he chose Sarah Palin as a running mate who managed to get him 8 points up to take the lead at one time during the campaign.
    McCain was not even in the same league with Barack Obama. He was outspent by vast sums and his political organization was far inferior.

  4. You think a degree in communications qualifies as educated? All you have to do is open your mouth. That she certainly does. Forget about her, the only time you will see her is when they have a cancellation on FOX.

    You insist on defending and making excuses for losers. She just looks like what she is now.

  5. 6.29 and 5.33 better look in the mirror i will bet you see hiliry

  6. Governor Palen is smart, well-spoken, and lovely.
