Thursday, February 17, 2022

Michael Sussman, in Durham's Cross Hairs

Clinton Campaign Lawyer Sussmann Pushes To Stike Down Durham's Probe

U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia charging Michael A. Sussmann, 57, a Washington, D.C.-based attorney. Sussmann is probably regretting ever taking on his client Hillary Clinton because he's become Clinton-collateral damage but before you feel sorry for him, remember he was paid for his services.

Durham filed a motion on Feb. 11 focused on potential conflicts of interest related to the representation of Sussmann, who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent.

Of course, Sussmann has pleaded not guilty. He stepped down from his law firm, Perkins Coie, in September when he was indicted to work on his defense.

Sussmann is accused of lying when he said he wasn’t bringing the allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client; he actually brought the allegations on behalf of at least two clients, including Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, the Justice Department alleges. Donald Trump was a presidential candidate at the time. This has been proven false by the Durham Report.

Read what Sussman's attorneys said

1 comment:

  1. "stepped down from his lawfirm" - more like you need to leave now or you will be fired - too much reputational risk. An innocent person does not step down from their law firm - their law firm vigorously defends them - IF THEY ARE INNOCENT.
