Sunday, February 20, 2022

In Helsinki - No Pride

It Begins: They Are Now Calling The Bible Hate Speech…

Former interior minister Päivi Räsänen has gone on trial in Helsinki accused of inciting anti-LGBT+ hate speech.

She is accused of describing homosexuality as a “disorder of psychosexual development” and labeling homosexuals as “dysfunctional.”

After her controversial trial in court, she pleaded non-guilty to four charges of “inciting violence against a minority group” after condemning same-sex marriage in several writings and tv show appearances.

Rasanen described homosexuality as a “psychosexual developmental disorder” and said that homosexual people are “dysfunctional.”

One charge related to a June 2019 tweet in which the long-time parliamentarian criticized the Finnish Lutheran church for partnering with that year’s Pride celebrations, accusing the organization of “elevating shame and sin to a subject of pride.”

Read about it...

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