Saturday, February 5, 2022

Biden and Censorship

Biden Admin Demands All ‘Tech’ & Media Companies CENSOR Anyone Who Questions Their Talking Points

"There are a lot of firsts coming from this White House, most of them a horror show when considering the dangers the Biden administration poses to our basic Constitutional rights and freedoms.

The response leftists have given all along to cries of censorship has been that private companies like mainstream news media networks and social media companies are not censoring people at all because the corporations are privately owned businesses. It’s as if millions of Americans don’t understand that when anyone with the power to silence your free speech does, it is called censorship.

The difference is that government is not allowed to censor free speech because of the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights of our Constitution, so they have given a wink and a nod for private social media networks to do it for them. That has all changed now and we are entering into very dangerous territory."


1 comment:

  1. this crap keeps up and we will be know as the "ruthless" country
