Friday, February 25, 2022

Biden: "America stands up to bullies. We stand up for freedom."

Biden Announces New Sanctions in Response to Russian Attack on Ukraine

President Joe Biden announced additional sanctions and export restrictions against Russia Thursday in response to a Russian attack against Ukraine launched in the early hours that morning.

In a televised address on Feb. 24, Biden vowed to impose new sanctions against four additional Russian banks as well as additional members of Moscow’s elite inner circle and cut off “half” of Russia’s high-tech imports.



  1. Russia doesn't care what Biden does. You don't have any sons, so you you can shoot your mouth off about freedom. Forget about Ukraine. Either Russia will win this, or we'll be in a World War.

  2. This is from a reporter that lived and covered Moscow for years... If this is true.... IF...then I say we let Putin protect Russian oil supply in the pipeline through the Ukraine.

    "To understand the Kremlin’s motivations in regard to its smaller, and relatively impoverished, neighbor, the key fact to know is that Russia supplies 40% of Europe’s heating-fuel supplies — namely, natural gas.

    Any crimp on Russia’s ability to access the European market is a threat to its economic security.
    To get it there, Russia relies mostly on two aging pipeline networks, one of which runs through Belarus and the other through Ukraine. For this, Russia pays Ukraine around $2 billion a year in transit fees.

    Russia is a petrostate and relies on oil and natural-gas sales for about 60% of its export revenue and 40% of its total budget expenditures. Any crimp on Russia’s ability to access the European market is a threat to its economic security.

    In the Kremlin’s view, a switch of allegiance by Kiev, or Kyiv by Ukrainian preference, to the West — be it an economic association agreement with the European Union like Ukraine was on the verge of signing in 2014, or even the hint of joining NATO — is close to an act of war." From
