Saturday, January 22, 2022

Top Five Lies of Democrats in 2021

  • 1. The border is secure!” – 1.96 Million migrants were apprehended trying to cross our Southern border in 2021; up from 646,000 in 2020.
  • 2. “More spending will help control inflation” – Inflation surged 7% in 2021, which is the fastest rate since 1982.
  • 3. “Crime isn’t a problem in major cities." – More than 2/3 of the most populous cities in America have seen a rise in murders. TWELVE of them have broken their all-time records. Property crimes are also up in almost every major city.
  • 4. “Build Back Better is already paid for and won’t add to the national debt” – The Congressional Budget Office just released their official report that Build Back Better will cost Americans around $4 Trillion over 10 years.
  • 5. “Joe Biden is a good President” – His approval ratings hovering in the high 30’s/ low 40’s sort of says otherwise don’t you think?

Jim Jordan

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