Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Liar In Chief and his Pathetic Party

The 10 worst provisions in Biden, Schumer's voting rights bills

Read about them

"Hyperbole is common in politics, but the claim by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris that the election reforms passed by states will prevent 55 million Americans from voting is particularly outrageous. Nothing could be further from the truth.

On the contrary, states have implemented election reforms like voter ID that protect legitimate voters and ensure that their votes are not diluted or negated by fraud or mistakes. They’ve made it easier to vote, but harder to cheat.

Voter ID laws in the United States are laws that require a person to provide some form of official identification before they are permitted to register to vote, receive a ballot for an election, or to actually vote in elections in the United States."[FoxNews]  Not difficult or restrictive, right?

You can see by the above graph where our problems lie...Democrat states.

We want American citizens to be able to vote and show a photo ID. But, some Democrat states are issuing drivers' licenses to illegals aliens. It begins at the local level and soon illegals will be voting in state and national elections.

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