Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Fruitcake: Racist Mad Max

Chaos on the Left

Maxine Waters Says Fellow Democrats 'Don't Care About Blacks'

“We have two Democrats, Manchin and Sinema, and they are holding up the Democratic agenda. They have decided that they are going to stick with support of the filibuster, and they don’t care whether or not they undermine the rights of minorities and blacks in this country.”

Can anyone be this damn dumb?

This woman is the most mentally challenged of anyone in Congress. She wants Democrats to have vast powers to control local elections from Washington, including elections in states that have passed election integrity laws of which Democrats disapprove.

And if you don't go along with her, you are a RACCCCCCCCCIST or trying to take down our country. And she means ALL Republicans and says Trump is leading and organizing the domestic terrorism, a figment of her mindless imagination.

Read about crazy

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