Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Fake Dossier

Exposed In Court Docs! He Was The Mastermind Behind Trump Attack, Leaked Dossier To Media and FBI

McCain’s Role In Coup

It has been reported by Fox News that “an associate of the late Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain shared with Buzzfeed News a copy of the unverified, salacious opposition research dossier alleging that Russians had compromising material on President Trump, according to a bombshell federal court filing.”

The late Arizona Republican vehemently denied that he was the source that Buzzfeed obtained the dossier from after the news outlet published it.

The credibility of the dossier has become the topic of conversation once again as the Yahoo News investigative reporter who initially broke the news of it has stated that many of the claims in the document were “likely false,” and according to Fox News, “an adviser to ex-Trump lawyer Michael Cohen said Cohen never went to Prague to pay off Russian hackers, as alleged in the dossier.”

McCain has acknowledged giving the dossier to the FBI. But, until Wednesday, it remained a mystery what role, if any, his associates might have played in the dossier leaking to the media shortly afterwards.

Read about it...



  2. What he did in Viet Nam, might have been heroic; what he did in Ukraine was abysmal.

  3. He was known as "loose lips McCain." He was no hero - ever!
