Thursday, January 13, 2022

The CDC and following the Science

1 comment:

  1. Our Communist Propaganda Media of the Main Stream News, loves to proclaim how "Science" says this or that. Unfortunately, the CDC has become complicit with the Biden/Fauci Whitehouse, in pushing narratives that are not backed by Science.
    Most Americans are not "Scientists". Most will not question a pseudo-scientific agency such as the CDC or the FDA, due to long promoted branding of these agencies as representing Science--when in fact they are CURRENTLY representing the Whitehouse and the interests of Big Pharma. The big take-away should be the OBVIOUS LIE...
    --- Science does not "say" anything definitive about the Vaccines.
    ----Science must have many voices, and they rarely all say the same thing--this IS Science...-----

    Science "works" and develops a Knowledge base by having a research climate where every researcher with a big idea, will attempt to prove or disprove a hypothesis, typically with the assistance of a Federal Grant. Science NEEDS to have researchers trying to DISPROVE anything important that somehow got a free ride as TRUE without proof.
    In the current political climate, with Grants being assigned with a "pro-Vaccine" requirement, and with the "news media" refusing to cover research results which ARGUE AGAINST the propaganda narrative of the media and the Biden/Fauci Whitehouse, true science has been replaced by PROPAGANDA.
    In one of the most egregious instances of State and Technocracy sponsored Propaganda control--control of the medias....the Inventor of the mRNA Vaccine therapy was removed from Youtube and Twitter when he questioned the poor assumptions being made regarding the safety of the mRNA vaccines:

    "Dr. Robert Malone, who invented the mRNA technology that's now being used in the COVID-19 vaccine, told News audiences on Wednesday night, that there isn't enough data about the risks for these age groups and doesn't believe they should be forced to get vaccinated.

    'I don't think the benefits outweigh the risks in that cohort,' said Malone, referring to people in the 18 to 22 age bracket, 'but unfortunately the risk-benefit analysis is not being done.'

    'My concern is I know there are risks but we don't have access to the data,' Malone said. 'And so, I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines.'"

    It is normal to have many competing opinions in the science community regarding new studies and concepts--but in the communist/globalist path the Biden Whitehouse and current Technocracy is enforcing, only views they approve get promoted in the "news", and their proclaimed "Fact-Checkers" shut down all competing theories or findings that would be release on social media...And..who is Facebook to determine a major science issue? Who do they have as a "Fact Checker" that has reached such lofty heights in each specific field of science involved, that they can declare strong evidence as being not fit for the public to hear, or even to proclaim it is UNTRUE? Who are they to make such claims, and if they have such backgrounds, why are they not producing scientific solutions for the world themselves? Free Speech is rapidly on the way out, and the sheep are cozying up to the butcher.
