Monday, January 31, 2022

Riots that Democrats ignored

1. 2011 Democrats over a 1,000 strong storm the Wisconsin Capital. Pelosi had this to say "impressive show of democracy in action". "They damaged the Capitol building, littered the downtown ..."

2. 2017 Democrats Riot on Trump's inauguration day Hundreds arrested. Police injured, vehicles set on fire, property damaged

3. 2018 Democrats stormed the Senate Hart building, thousands march on grounds

4. 2018 Democrat Protestors storm past Police lines and pound on the doors of the Supreme Court

5. 2020 Democrats get violent in front of White House force Trump into bunker. More than 50 Secret Service Agents injured. Also set fire to a Historic Church across the street.

6. 2020 Riots injure more than 2,000 Police nationwide. At least 12 shot

7. 2020 Democrats burned and looted 50 cities causing Billions in damages

8. 2020 Democrats burned down or damaged Police stations in Minneapolis and Portland

9. 2020 Democrats spend weeks trying to burn down a Federal Courthouse in Portland

10. 2020 Democrats tear down and destroy statues all over the country
But hey, on January 6, Democrats found a riot they didn’t like !!

Submitted by Tom Vaughn

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