Saturday, January 8, 2022

Not a full deck going on here!

U.S. Embassy Taken Over, Hostages Taken, By Group Biden Just Removed From Terror List

Feeble Joe Biden has done it again. During the Trump administration, they designated the Iranian-backed Houthi jihadis in Yemen to be placed on the Terror List. At the time, many liberal groups demanded that they be removed immediately. Trump refused.

Once Biden got in office as he was bending over forward to Iran, he removed the Houthis from the terror list. The Houthi stormed our embassy in Sana’a, Yemen.

Has Joe Biden ever made a correct decision? Ever? On anything?

Nevertheless, in September the Biden administration quietly removed an advanced missile defense system from Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that the Saudis are suffering ongoing air attacks from the Houthis in Yemen.

Read about another lousy Biden decision

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