Monday, January 31, 2022

Myanmar military government seizes Soros' Open Society bank accounts

Military government in Myanmar has now seized the bank accounts of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations

Myanmar is the largest country in Mainland Southeast Asia, and has a population of about 54 million. Soros has his tentacles throughout the world.

After taking control of the country in a military coup provoked by allegations of voter fraud earlier this year, the Myanmar military government has seized several bank accounts belonging or affiliated with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, and has announced arrest warrants for 11 members of the organization in the country “on suspicion of giving financial support to the civil disobedience movement against the military junta.”

“Military-aligned groups including the Union Solidarity and Development Party have accused Soros of manipulating Myanmar’s politics by supporting civil society organizations in the country.”

Read more about it...

1 comment:

  1. That's very interesting. Those Buddhists are tough. Incidentally, if you want to still call it Burma, you would be correct in doing so.
