Monday, January 17, 2022

Martin Luther King Day

Read Joe Capozzi's article and see and hear some of our Lake Worth activists.


  1. really are a piece of work.
    Are Democrats really "getting it?" I dare say, they are not.
    When the Democrats were unsuccessful in their efforts to block Republican legislative efforts to help African Americans they founded the Ku Klux Klan. Do they understand that now?
    Dems supported a resolution supporting the terrorist group, BLM. Do they now know they made a horrible mistake?
    Could go on and on.
    Tell your fantasy gripes to Dr. Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Candace Owens, Col. Allen West, Don King, Larry Elder...

  2. To the very rude Democrat who asked if I can comprehend what I read...
    Go pound sand.
