Sunday, January 16, 2022

Get your butts off our beaches

Florida again considers banning smoking at public beaches, in parks

There is nothing worse than a reformed smoker. I quit smoking 38 years ago. I decided then that smoking was not addictive. The only thing addictive about it was grabbing for that cigarette; that was the habit. I quit overnight and never looked gum to chew and all the nonsense they try to sell you like nicotine pouches/ patches.

So, I am in total favor of this legislation. Personally, I can't stand the smell of smoke. People smoke where I live and I love those who put out their butts on our sidewalks for someone else to clean up.

Having tobacco-free parks and beaches would provide families and children healthy environments and allow Florida to fairly compete with smoke-free vacation destinations for tourist dollars. It will be up to the Florida Legislature to consider.

Read about it...


  1. I quit smoking 11 years ago, after a lifetime of smoking. I came to the same conclusion. Smoking is not an addiction. It is a powerful habit.

    Since we have become a weak people, we call everything an addiction. I used to love to smoke, and I have never found anything to take its' place.

    But that was then, and this is now.

    If I had my choice, I would choose to have an army who smoked, rather than one strung out on addictive drugs.

  2. Don't tell me where I can smoke and not smoke! This is a free country. My body, my choice.

    If you don't smoke, fine. But leave us smokers alone.

  3. Have you looked at families with children recently? They are too busy throwing trash on out beaches to notice cigarette butts.

    Is that what you really want? More Tourists??

  4. This is a "free country?" Tell that to Democrats. They want to railroad everyone.
    You sound like a very angry person...smoke yourself to death, who cares. :) Just don't do it on our public parks and beaches. Thank you.

  5. The Public Parks and beaches belong to the smokers too. What would be nice, is if everyone picked up after themselves.

    And by the way, 3:46, you sound like an authoritarian to me.

    Get over yourself!

  6. i quit smoking in 1982 and drinking the same day.dont have anything against others doing it.but i have my freedom and rights also not to smell it or have to clean up butts to lay on the sand.smokers have to show us non smokers some respect.for the nay sayers that smoking is not harmful you should see my xrays.sick

  7. With all of the food containers, paper cups and napkins lying around, I'm surprised you can even see the cigarette butts.

  8. Smokers, dog owners, and alcohol/drug consumers are all the biggest losers they think it's their right to bring their dogs on the beach even though we have laws against it they think it's okay to smoke wherever they want to and throw their cigarette butts all over the place and then drinkers they just like to drive drunk and drink wherever they want to they don't care about their alcoholism or their addiction to drugs and how it can hurt other people and even their families and loved ones. That's why I say like dog owners smokers and addiction folks they're all losers they have no education no consideration for others and no respect for anyone else but themselves they are selfish!!!! Some counties do not allow smoking on the beach like Indian River county which is a nice thing. The only problem is they can have all these rules all over the place that all beaches or whatever and the police lifeguards and no one ever enforces any laws or rules anymore either so we have so many laws and rules. It can drive you crazy but nobody follows them nobody enforces them. That's why living at condos is not a fun thing either because they have so many condo rules but nobody follows them and no one enforces them. You see so many selfish people. Selfishness is a real problem!

  9. Does Florida have enough police in this state to enforce this? We have so many laws but they don't enforce anything no one follows the rules and no one enforces the rules! We have a lot of people today that do not care about anyone else but themselves!

  10. @9:12...Selfish people...that's what it's all about. No one cares about other people. Condo living is a challenge when you have owners blatantly breaking the rules. You need a fining committee by law and no one wants to "go after" their neighbors...they want to be liked. Also, they are too lazy to understand FS718 or their condo documents, Consequently, you will ALWAYS have a small percentage of owners who just do whatever they want. As a condo president, it makes me powerless in many ways. We can write a letter and they secretly laugh at you and continue the crap. As one owner told me recently, "they are walking all over you, Lynn." One of the trouble makers just put her place up for sale! yEAH!
