Saturday, January 29, 2022

Dems using Covid and Racism to cancel student loan debt

Actually, those are the Democrat excuses for just about everything to promote their socialist agenda.

Democrats oops, Socialists Sound The Horn Once Again For Student Loan Cancellation

In a letter sent to Old Uncle Joe this past Tuesday, a group of over 80 Democratic lawmakers petitioned the president to sign an order to cancel “up to $50,000 of student loan debt per borrower.”

The document in question, which sported the signature of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), stated by issue thanks to Biden for the extension of the student loan pause, which was done back in December, and then the letter requested that he permanently cancel federal student loan debt.

Back in December, the White House froze all payments on student loans until the first of May. At that time, The New York Times issued a report that this choice affected over 41 million borrowers, which included the almost 27 million people who had not made a single payment since March of 2020.

Read more about this hairbrained idea

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