Saturday, January 8, 2022

Craziness happening all over the World regarding Covid

Anti-Lockdown Protesters Mauled by Dogs and Beaten with Batons

The government elites have taken a health crisis and used it to manipulate and control. First, people were ordered to wear masks, covering up their ability to facially share emotions. Masks have proven minimally effective at preventing viral spread, if at all.

Mauled by dogs and beaten with batons, the protestors were being used as an example. Power and control hungry bureaucrats despise having their authority questioned. The right to peacefully push back against excessive, unnecessary orders will be beaten back.

This exercise did not happen in America but we are headed in the very same direction. It didn't in a “police state” but it happened in an otherwise free and democratic country. These types of infringements on freedom are growing all-too-common. These protestors were abused because the Netherlands government has banned protests.

Read about it...

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