Saturday, January 22, 2022

Biden's Vehicle KILL switch

Biden's Infrastructure Bill, Now Signed Into Law, Mandates "Vehicle Kill Switches" By 2026

The United States federal government is apparently in the process of trying to force automakers to install kill switches in their vehicles that authorities can use to shut down any newer vehicle.

The law comes as part of President Biden's infrastructure bill, which was recently signed into law, according to Yahoo. The government kill switch is - like all good thefts of civil liberties - being positioned as a "safety measure". The mandate needs to be put into effect by 2026, Muscle Cars & Trucks reported.

Which, of course, is code for some kind of device that is constantly on and monitoring your vehicle - and will likely have the power to shut down your vehicle anytime it wants.

"This is a privacy disaster in the making, and the fact that the provision made it through the Congress reveals — yet again — how little its members care about the privacy of their constituents," The Daily Caller wrote.

Read about it...


  1. Hey Lib--stop coming over here and offering SNOPES, the leftist fact checker as an opinion

  2. The bill says--
    Passively monitor the performance of a driver to accurately identify whether they are impaired.
    Prevent or limit operation if impairment is detected.
    “Passively” detect whether the BAC of a driver is equal to or higher than the legal limit. In such cases, the system could “prevent or limit motor vehicle operation if an impairment is detected.”

  3. Hey Lib again--
    I love that DELETE button every time you come over here.
    What a sap...most all communists are.

  4. Why would you be against a law that prevents impaired driving?

  5. have to read the article.
    "The worst part of the legislation is the open nature of the system which will feature at least one backdoor for third-party access to the system’s data at any time."
    Do you want people monitoring you? This is just a step where they could eventually monitor everything you do.
    Something to think abour, that's all.

  6. You know that cameras are everywhere we go now, right? And do I even have to mention the internet? And for those who use it, Sunpass tracks all your toll rides.

    It's everywhere we go.

    And, yes, this would save I don't think it's something to be scared of or misrepresent. It could save any one of our lives.

  7. I don't trust the government...period!
    One thing that sounds like it's ok leads to more things that are not.

  8. It can only get worse, Lynn. And it will. AI will see to that.

  9. its funny how everything is going to fix something.the death penalty is going to stop terrible crime.gun control is going to stop crime.making pot illigal and people will stop using it.police depts already have a kill switch that locks doors and stops motors.oh yes dont forget"we need more building for more tax base"for the cra to waste.there is only one name for this and it aint AMERICAN
