Sunday, January 2, 2022

Biden’s Gestapo is on a terror and the purge has begun

President Trump accomplished more in four years than China Joe has in half a century

A booming economy, a stronger military, lower taxes, building the wall at the southern border which decreased illegal immigration, getting conservative judges in place and the list goes on.

Now we are witnessing the mass undoing of all of the great accomplishments.

Read about it...


  1. So he's not sleepy and feeble and fumbling but he's a fearsome tyrant who is comparable to Hitler?

    You really need to make up your mind.


  2. Nope, Joe is all those things but most of all a detriment to our democracy. He has been taken over by the Alt-Left of your all really did a number on this country.

  3. So he's a sleepy, feeble Hitler who forgets things.

    Sounds like something someone perfectly normal believes.

    Losing that election threw you guys for a real loop. Even more than having a black president. I don't know if you'll ever recover.

  4. "Obama won 43 percent of white voters, 4 percentage points below Carter’s performance in 1976 and equal to what Bill Clinton won in the three-man race of 1996. Republican John McCain won 55 percent of the white vote."
    Without the White vote, he would not have won.
    Race had nothing to do with Obama. It was his "fundamentally changing America" is what did it. And his policies are being carried over with Biden and hurting America.

  5. To the wacko who tried to post here last evening--You are really hung up on race as all Democrats are. You have nothing else to bitch about or to invent.
    As far as my condo goes, people live where they want to live in the United States of America. Your suggestion that we would discriminate here is absurd as are all comments from liberals, socialists and communists. We live within the law...PERIOD.
