Saturday, January 15, 2022

Biden Administration--No Accountability

Missouri. Rep. Smith, Congressional Oversight, wants accounting on Biden's $6 Trillion in ‘Coronavirus relief money

Here is what he said:

"We have sent 35 letters to the administration asking for accounting of the roughly $6 trillion of COVID money that’s been spent and it’s been crickets, but what we have discovered is not any good.”

“The $2 trillion that was spent back in March, the package that they said that was for COVID relief, you know Maria, less than nine percent actually went towards COVID spending and COVID relief, but that other 91%. It went to crazy items, $2 million to plant trees in Syracuse or $4 million for a parking lot in South Carolina, $1,400 to Japanese citizens in Japan, checks to prisoners, $16 million for a golf course in Palm Beach,” he said.

“It’s ridiculous, but what Biden did do out of $2 billion that was appropriated that was supposed to go towards COVID testing and to replenish the strategic stockpile, he sent that to the border to house illegal immigrants. It’s absolutely reckless what this administration is doing."

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