Sunday, December 5, 2021

Pope vs Biden on Abortion

Pope vs. President on Abortion

President Biden and Nancy Pelosi, both self-professed Roman Catholics, wish to see the Roe v. Wade decision of the Supreme Court upheld and abortion access protected according to their pro-choice views.

Pope Francis and the Catholic Church are pro-life. Having always understood abortion as a violation of the human right to life, the Vatican wishes to see Roe v. Wade overturned.

But the church is allowing Biden to take communion!


  1. 2 evil men in Satan's service.

  2. If the Catholic Church denied communion to everyone who was pro-choice or had an abortion, administering communion would take about 30 seconds.

    80% of Americans believe that abortion should be available in all or most cases.

  3. there are several polls out there on this but basically it does go according to party affiliation.
    Pew found Americans with religious affiliations are far more likely to oppose abortion than the nonreligious.
    Abortion is killing babies. Simple. Use birth control.

  4. "basically it does go according to party affiliation."

    Well, it doesn't. Because 80% of Americans aren't Democrats.

    Gallup finds the same thing. Pew and Gallup are probably two of the most respected names in polling.

    How 20% comes to dictate to the rest of the country what we do on any one issue, we have real problems.

  5. can go ahead and believe in killing babies.
    From Pew: "Today, a 59% majority of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 39% think abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. These views are relatively unchanged in the past few years. The latest Pew Research Center survey, conducted April 5 to 11, finds deep disagreement between – and within – the parties over abortion. In fact, the partisan divide on abortion is far wider than it was two decades ago."

  6. Well, first I don't believe in killing babies. The definition of when life begins has always been debatable but abortion has been legal, in part, because of that definition as interpreted by the courts.

    I actually don't believe in killing any human life including those humans sentenced to death. That, too (unfortunately), is legal in some states and something that has become a corner stone of conservative thinking. Choosing to determine who lives and who dies is usually left up to God, unless you're a Republican.

    I don't believe in abortion but I also respect the laws of this country and the right of a woman to choose that those laws give her. If those laws change, I believe in following the law and will support it until and if it changes back.

    It's not difficult when you're following what you truly believe in rather than what some political dogma requires you to believe.

  7. " Choosing to determine who lives and who dies is usually left up to God, unless you're a Republican."

    If you're talking about capital punishment, it's actually left up to the states and right now Capital punishment is currently authorized in 27 states, by the federal government and the U.S. military. They are not all Red states, anonymous.

    I love the hypocrisy here as Democrats want to kill babies in the womb after they have a heartbeat no less but you are against capital punishment for horrendous crimes against humanity.

  8. 1:36--what a righteous person you are!

  9. Abortion is legal because, in part, of the definition of when life begins. As I said, that's debatable, but the courts have listened to the evidence and ruled.

    27 states, Lynn. Louisiana is a blue state. Name one more.

  10. It's hard to make a comparison between the handful of executions, and the millions of abortions.

    The left did such a thorough job, through the Womans movement, of convincing people that abortion was practically a divine right, that there was little chance for the other side to be heard.

    Birth Control is so simple and easy to obtain, that I can only view women who support abortion as lazy slovenly pigs.

  11. Maybe they're pigs...or maybe they just like the freedom the law provides.

    Kinda like free vaccines, right? Maybe the people refusing to get them are selfish pigs. Or maybe they like the freedom to do with their body as they choose.

